14; Iron Heights

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"Hey, check this out." Cisco started as Caitlin and Barry walked into the room, I was still upset with Barry, but I was pushing it down because he is my partner in crime after-all. "It's a 3D Molecular model of the gas from your lungs."

"We have identified the toxin." Wells spoke sitting in his wheelchair as I sat in a chair at the main desk of the cortex listening in.

"Hydrogen cyanide?"

"What's interesting is what's mixed in with the cyanide. A sedative."

"Of course. The night of the explosion, find out if anyone was executed."

"Why?" Wells asked, Caitlin walked away to research. I sighed before I spoke up.

"The sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go breathe in the hydrogen cyanide. I learned it from a Law & Order episode." Caitlin walked up beside me and used the computer beside me. I think she could sense my discomfort of being here, as she turned to look at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern while she looked to see if anyone was executed.

"I'm fine, Cait. Thanks for asking though." I lied through my teeth, I don't think she believed me, but as soon as she opened her mouth she got the info.

"There was someone executed. Kyle Nimbus." Caitlin put his picture and information on one of the screens.

"That's him, alright.." I spoke, the picture had a creepy vibe from it so I stopped looking at it and read his information instead.

"He was a hit man for the Darbinyan Crime Family. They turned on him and testified. Judge Theresa Howard was the judge at his trial. She sentenced him to death."

"He must have been affected by the explosion while he was being gassed." Wells added

"Records say the execution was completed."

"So that's why there wasn't a match. The DNA database only has the records of the living." Barry replied.

"Oh yeah. That makes complete sense." I say reading his record before reading it over Caitlin's shoulder.

"He said there was one more person on his list. Check the arrest record." Barry starts walking over to us as Caitlin types. "Who caught him? That could be his next attack."

"Guys, the lead detective." Caitlin spoke as I looked at the information.

"Dad." I spoke looking to Barry as our eyes widened. I watched as Barry fumbled for his phone, he grabs it and puts his password in before calling Joe. "Is he answering?" I asked worried. I wasn't ready to be an orphan again.

"He's not. I'll call Eddie." Barry then dials a different number. "Eddie!" Barry spoke before he started to walk around the cortex nervous.

"Hey, do you know where Joe went? He's not picking up his cell." Barry then looks at me before he continues to talk. "Eddie, it's really important I speak to him. I need to know where he went." I watched as Barry's face paled as he held the phone looking blankly at me then to the floor. He then ends the call.

"Guys, I reverse-engineered an antidote to the toxin. I hope that neither of you will need it since I only made one." Barry and I nod, I then look to Barry as we both look at our suits.

"Where is he?"

"Iron Heights." Barry replied before we both got into our suits and ran.


"Guys I pulled up the specs on Iron Heights Prison. It's maximum security, but I think I can talk you through breaking in there." Cisco says over the comms. I mutter a quick thanks, but Barry speaks over me.

"Don't bother. I've been figuring out how to break into that place since I was 11." Barry then turns to me while we were running. "Just follow my lead and we'll be fine."

"sure we will..." I mutter under my breath.

"what?" he asks.

"oh nothing, don't worry about it." We run into the prison, I'm following closely behind Barry before we stop in a room. I see Joe on the floor and the man, I assume is Barry's dad in his prisoner attire. "Joe!" I scream looking at his shaking body. I look to Barry as he grabs the antidote and puts it into Joe's neck. Immediately his body calms. Barry looks at his dad before he makes his face vibrate so that no one could recognize him, I do the same just in case.

"Go get him." Joe whispers. Barry sighs before I run after him. We then stop on an empty road right outside of the prison fence.

"So you two have come to finish what the gas chamber couldn't?

"You're going somewhere you can't hurt anyone again."

"And we'll be the ones to put you in it." I spoke.

"Wrong." He then turns himself into gas, it begins to make itself into a huge form.

"You both need to stay away from him, guys. Do not breathe him in." Caitlin spoke over the comms. Then the gas comes towards us as we speed out of the way multiple times.

"I'm not sure how that helps us, guys." Kyle then begins to walk over to us, angrily. Barry and I then run at him, but we just go through him. We hold our breath before getting farther from him

"You can't fight them, guys. Just keep him coming at you two. That should zap his strength."

"Gas is the least stable form of matter." Wells adds, I recall learning that in grade school. One of my many repressed memories. "This metahuman will not be able to stay in his mist form for long. His particles will need to reform." Barry and I look at each-other with determination before taking a deep breath watching the green mist coming straight for us. We then run out of the way on separate sides. We then run beside on another, the mist closely behind us hot on our trails. He then stops as the mist is behind us and returns to being Kyle before tuning back into mist.

"Almost there, Barry." He nods as we run some more before the mist stops again. Kyle is wheezing, out of breath. Barry was on the ground as he jumped out of the way. I take my chances and run at him and he flies through the air landing on the ground roughly. Green mist coming from his mouth as Barry rushes over. Kyle closes his eyes as we stood over top of him.

"Barry. Theo." Wells says over the comms. Barry and I look at each-other before he answers.

"We win." Barry and I smile before we fist-bump.


I feel something shaking me awake I open my eyes to see Barry shaking me awake before we saw Joe waking up, I immediately woke up and smiled. "It's been awhile since I've watched you sleep." Joe spoke looking at Barry who chuckles.

"Rescuing you, was exhausting."

"Honestly it really was." I yawned rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I really miss the ability to ground you, well at least I can ground you." He spoke as he watched me get up and walk over to him.

"Hey!" I spoke. Joe just chuckled.

"Sorry I went and grew up." Barry spoke, before they shook hands. "I could have got my dad out of Iron Heights today." Here we go again...

"I know."

"But you were right. That's not the way."

"Dad's have godlike advice, Barry. You should really take it." I joked before Iris and Eddie walked through the door.

"Daddy." Iris spoke as she hugged Joe.

"Oh, baby. I'm fine, don't worry." I watch as Barry awkwardly smiles at Eddie as I try to ignore it. Iris lets go of Joe before looking at both Barry and I.

"We'll let you guys talk. Let's go Theo."

"Fine, by me." I look to Iris before I whisper a small good luck as I was ushered out of the room by Barry Allen.

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