07; Fastest Kid Alive

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"We've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months. And there's been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people. Your meta-humans have been busy." Barry spoke as both him and I placed boxes of police work on a table talking to Cisco and Caitlin.

"We aren't blaming you. We know you guys didn't mean for any of this to happen. We know you all lost something." I spoke, I was wearing a baggy pink t-shirt tucked into my light blue jeans that were cuffed at my ankles.

"But we need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him, but we can't do that without you." Both Barry, Cisco, and I stare at Caitlin.

"If we're gonna do this, I have somethings that might help." Barry and I both look to Cisco. We all follow after him, he then leads us to a lab, we get in there and there's two like swivel chairs, but for something that's standing. He spins them around to reveal a Dark Red Suit with a mask that would cover someones hair and eyes, and it had a lightning emblem on the chest. The other was a black suit with no sleeves, there was a dark red cropped jacket with a golden lightning emblem on the right shoulder and on the back, matching red boots and black fingerless gloves. "Its designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if S.T.A.R. Labs did something nice for the community maybe people wouldn't be so angry at Dr. Wells anymore."

"How are these gonna help us? "

"They're made of a reinforced tri-polymer. They're heat and abrasive resistant to withstand both of you moving at high-velocity speeds. And the aerodynamic design should help you both maintain control. Plus, they have built-in sensors so that we can track both of your vitals and stay in contact with you both from here."

"Thanks." Was all Barry said in a monotone voice. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked to Cisco.

"What big bro Barry means is thank you so much! This is super cool Cisco." I smiled.

"Now how do we find Mardon?" Barry spoke as Cisco mouthed a small "your welcome" from across the room, I took my hand off Barry's shoulder. Caitlin is now holding a large tablet reading from it.

"I re-tasked S.T.A.R. Labs' satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City. We just got a ping, atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city." I went over to look at what I assumed was my suit since I don't think Barry would a cropped jacket. Both Barry and I looked to each-other and smirked.

"Let's go!" I spoke as both Barry and I quickly changed into our new suits. I looked in one of the S.T.A.R. Labs mirrors and I loved how the suit fit, it was absolutely perfect and surprisingly comfortable. I then put my hair up into a high pony, my side bangs resting on my mask. "Send us the coordinates Cisco."

"On it!" Barry and I then ran through the city Cisco had sent us the coordinates and we ran towards the farm that was on the west side of the city. As we arrived there was a tornado coming from within the farmhouse I could only assume it was Mardon, I then see Dad and Eddie, a piece of metal was headed straight for them. Barry and I quickly ran into the metal to stop it from hitting them. Barry then lifts the metal off of us and quickly helps me up.

"Theo. Barry, this things getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles per hour and increasing. Can you guys hear me?" Cisco spoke over our radio.


"Loud and clear!"

"If it keeps up, this could become and F-5 tornado." Cisco spoke as we both looked at the tornado as it head for the city.

"It's headed for the city, Cis. How can we stop it?" I spoke into the radio.

"Guys?" Barry yelled. "What if we unravel it?" Barry spoke as he looked over to me.

"How the hell are you gonna do that?" Caitlin spoke into the radio.

"We'll run around it in the opposite direction."

"Cut off its legs!" I added, as we nodded ready for the word to do it.

"Your bodies may not be able to handle that speed. You'll both die." Caitlin spoke. I was ready for this, it's better my life then innocent peoples.

"I have to try." Barry spoke.

"We have to try! Barry I'm not letting you do this on your own!" He nodded and we both began to run towards the tornado as we ran in the opposite direction. I focused on my breathing as we ran trying to stay on task. I looked over to Barry every couple of seconds to check on him. Then two lightning bolts strike both Barry and I knocking us off course.

"It's too strong!" Barry shouted as we saw the tornado become bigger by the second.

"You guys can do this. You two were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me. When I looked at you two, all I saw was two potential victims of my debris. And yes, I created this madness, But you, Barry, Theo, you two can stop it. You can do this. Now run, Barry, run! Theo. Run!" Both Barry and I then returned to running around Mardon, Barry and I can do this and we will stop Mardon for good this time. As we were running Barry's and my lightning matched coloured almost intertwining with one another. We were determined to stop this tornado at all costs. then we went in towards the tornado then everything felt weird.

"Barry? Theo?" I then sit up seeing Barry without his mask. We were both panting, out of breath. I saw my mask on the ground a good 5 feet away from me.

"Hey!" I turned to see Mardon holding two guns, one pointed at me and one pointed at Barry. "I didn't think there was anyone else like me. Let alone two of ya."

"We are not like you!" I spoke standing my ground.

"You're a murderer." Barry added. Mardon was about to pull the trigger before two gunshots went off killing him. Barry and I turned to see Dad holding a gun running towards us.

"Barry? Theo?"

"It's over. We're okay." I mumbled watching as Dad came running towards us. Dad dropped to his knees as he saw us, he then pulled me into a big hug.


We were back at the scene from last night from where Mardon was hiding at his farm. There was police cars everywhere as they looked over the crime scene. Barry and I were standing with Dad leaning against a car. "What you two can do... it was the lightning bolt?"

"More or less." Barry answered.

"I'm sorry, Barry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. And I called you crazy for chasing the impossible. But you really did see something the night your mother died." Barry and I nodded in silence. "And your dad is innocent. I need you both to promise me something. I don't want either of you telling Iris about anything you can do. Any of it. I want her safe, one of my daughters is already apart of this." He spoke as he looked at me.

"Promise me." Barry nodded.


"I promise, Dad." I spoke before he ruffled my hair.


"My name is Theodora West, and I'm the fastest kid alive. A friend of a friend recently gave me an idea for a new name. And something tells me, it's gonna catch on." I spoke as I ran through the streets stopping someone from being hit by a car, in my suit. Gold and Silver lightning following behind me.

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