Three: Bath Time!

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You are still a tiny child in this.




You did not mind getting a bath. In fact, you loved it. Slenderman did not have to worry about you throwing a tantrum. It was nice for him to be able to get you in the bath easily after a long and stressful day.

You giggled and played with the soapy bubbles coating the surface of the liquid. Slenderman rummaged through a cabinet and pulled out special soap for babies and a small toy dolphin. The animal was (f/c) and pale grey with shimmers.

A knock on the door drew Slender's attention from you. One of his tendrils reached out and opened the door. Masky stood there awkwardly with Hoodie close behind. He tapped his foot anxiously and stared at Slenderman.

You giggled happily and pet the small dolphin. Slenderman looked over at you and then back to the proxies. He sighed.

"Masky come with me. Hoodie go and get E.J. to watch the child," he said.

Hoodie muttered, "Yes, sir," faintly and scurried off to get E.J.

Slenderman washed your fragile (s/c) skin. You did not put up a fight. Soon enough two masked men stood in the doorway. Slender, Masky, and Hoodie teleported into another room. E.J. finished your bath and put you to bed. You cried and kicked when the bath was over. You did not want to leave the comfort of the warm water.


Jeff the Killer:

Jeff could not get you in the water no matter how hard he tried. You would stick out your bottom lip and burst into tears as soon as you saw the water. Jeff sighed and tried once again to get you into the warm liquid.

"C'mon, darling," he pleaded, "please? Just this once?"

Your cries stopped instantly and and you crossed your arms. If looks could kill the glare radiating off of you would have killed everyone in the mansion. Jeff glared back and sighed. He was determined to get you to take a bath.

You were in desperate need of one. Jeff was messy so he would come back and take care of you with a bloody hoodie. He gave you a determined look and sat you in the water. You screamed bloody murder and snarled at him.

"Oh calm down," he crooned. "It won't hurt you. Not while I'm here."

You babbled back angrily, but huffed and accepted your fate. Your stubborn (e/c) eyes were locked on Jeff's the entire time. After a bit of time had passed and your torture was almost over you leapt into action. Your tiny hands and feet flailed around. Jeff was drenched with soapy water. It got into his eyes and he yelped.

"Hey!" Jeff grabbed a towel and took you out of the bath. "Not fair!"

Jeff dried you off and got you dressed. He took you back to your shared room and put you to bed. You huffed and puffed the entire time, still annoyed at your forced bath. He maintained eye contact the entire time you stayed awake. You glared back until your eyes became too heavy to keep open.


Eyeless Jack:

E.J. was hesitant to give you a bath considering your skin was still riddled with cuts and bruises. He had even discovered a few minor burns. You looked up at him curiously and fiddled with your slender fingers. E.J. took his mask off and set it on his bed. He bit his lip and picked you up, placing his mask back on his face.

The brown-haired male ran the water and waited for the tub to fill up. You frowned at his slightly anxious demeanor and reached out for him. He smiled under the mask and waved. You giggled and waved back, amused at the new game.

Jack lowered you into the water carefully, making note of any signs that could show discomfort. Once you were safely in he gently scrubbed your skin. You looked around and babbled out random sounds and baby phrases.

Eyeless Jack chuckled. "Is that so?"

Your little head nodded seriously. A startled yelp escaped your lips as E.J. accidentally brushed over a sensitive bruise. He flinched back and bit his lip. Guilt flooded his newfound heart at the realization that he could have hurt you really bad.

"I'm sorry," he gasped. He fiddled with his fingers. "I didn't mean to."

Your gentle (e/c) eyes looked up at him with understanding. You reached out for him and whined when he did not look at you. He listened to your whimpers for a few more seconds before breaking and picking you up. Bathtime was over.

You were clean now and he was afraid to hurt you any more. He dried you off and dressed you. Your eyes drooped and you drifted into dreamland as soon as your head hit Jack's chest. He smiled and removed the mask. His finger stroked your cheek gently, which lulled you into a deeper rest.


BEN Drowned:

Ben absolutely hates water. He was too much of a chicken to go anywhere near the stuff. The other Creepypastas understood, though. Not everyone has the same past or the same fears.

You were sitting in Ben's lap watching him play a game when a knock came from the door. Ben ignored the sound and continued with the game. Your eyes wandered around the room and eventually landed on the door. You tugged at his sleeve impatiently.

"Hold on," he mumbled. "I've got to finish my game."

You whined and pulled at his controller. Ben grumbled and paused the game. He threw the door open to reveal a tall, black, grey, and white clown.

Ben eyed the newcomer. "What do you need?"

"The boss has told me to give the child a bath." His voice was dull and made you frown. "Either that or have you give them a bath."

"No child of mine will participate in that deadly ritual, L.J.," Ben hissed.

You huffed an sassily rolled your eyes at their attitudes. Ben glanced down at you and bit his lip. He glanced between L.J. and you. Grumbling, he walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.

Laughing Jack chuckled and went to report to Slenderman. Ben stuck his head out the bathroom door and glared at the clown.

Ben squealed like a little girl the entire time you were in the bath. You were starting to get annoyed at him and stared menacingly back into his crimson orbs. Eventually Laughing Jack came back per Slender's orders to finish giving you a bath. You and him laughed and giggled at Ben the entire time.


I started to run out of ideas. Oops. This took longer than expected because marching band season just started and I've had state testing.

If there are any spelling or grammar issues I apologize. I'm writing this on my phone instead of my computer. I hope you enjoyed!

~Well I'm on my laptop now because I couldn't get service on my phone. I had this ready a day or two ago but didn't have time to post it because of band. I apologize. I still hope you enjoyed!


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