A/n (new chapters coming soon!) (please read)

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Hey guys. It's been quite a bit of time. So sorry about that. I just wanted to pop in really quick and say a few things.

I am nonbinary, panromantic, and pansexual. I know I've said stuff like this before but in the previous chapters I said I was genderfluid. I've since realized that I'm nonbinary. I'm not male or female but I'm also both at the same time. I'm not really sure. All I know is that it's confusing and I'm identifying as nonbinary because that fits. I use they/them pronouns so please respect that.

I'm going to be doing a pride series next where the reader comes out as different sexualities and gender identities. The first one is going to be pan because I'm pan and wanted to write something for it. If you guys have any requests please comment them. I can't promise that the chapters will be out quickly. I still don't have much computer access at home.

The pride series is going to be formatted as oneshots with all of the Creepypastas interacting with the reader at some point in the story.

The next chapter isn't going to be the start of the oneshot style thing but I'm going to put my headcanons for the Creepypasta's sexualities. If you disagree that's alright but I'm going to be writing my headcanons for the characters. If someone wants a specific oneshot for the character coming out as something other than what I headcanon I'll gladly write it. Y'all just need to tell me what you'd like.

Also I don't want to hear any negativity about this series coming up.  I don't want any homophobia, transphobia, or enbyphobia.  Also no biphobia, panphobia (yes I will be calling it that because panphobia is no longer a diagnosis.  It is an anxiety disorder, one which I have been diagnosed with.  I don't have to prove anything to anyone, either.), or lesbophobia.  Pan isn't biphobic.  Being lesbian isn't biphobic, either.  I will not tolerate anyone hating on lesbians on the claim that the label is "biphobic" because being lesbian is in no way biphobic.  But I will also not tolerate actual biphobia.  Just overall I'm not going to tolerate anything that is discriminatory against the LGBTQ+ community.

Another thing I will not tolerate is acephobia.  Asexuals and aromantics are inherently in the LGBTQ+ community.  That topic isn't up for debate.

That being said, if there's anything I didn't phrase well or any wording that I should phrase differently (sorry idk how to explain) please tell me.  I'm LGBTQ+ but I know that I don't know the strugges that some of the groups experience.  I only have my experiences based on my sexuality and gender.  There will be mention of homophobia, transphobia, etc. in some chapters and I will always have a trigger warning at the top of the chapter.  I will not type out any slurs that I'm not able to reclaim and those words will have a trigger warning at the top of the chapter.

So now that's out of the way there is something else I'd like to address. Kastoway, the creator of Ticci Toby has requested/removed Toby as a Creepypasta and I believe they'd like Toby to not be associated as a Creepypasta anymore. I've heard that it's alright to write fanfiction for Toby still, though. I just wanted to say that Ticci Toby is not a Creepypasta.

I'd like to hear what you guys think about this. Should I keep Toby in this book or not? I know that not all the characters I write for in this book are considered Creepypastas so I'm not sure if I should continue writing for him in this book or not. I'm going to keep him in the chapters I've already written for him and I'll edit and rewrite his parts of the chapters as I go on. I'd really appreciate your input. Thank you.

I don't have anything else to say for now. I hope you all had a good holiday and I hope you have a good New Year, as well. I hope everyone is doing well through this tough time.


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