Chapter Forty Eight: Stick to the Plan

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Honestly" i got up and sighed in frustration,
"I can fight too."
"I'm not going to let you hurt yourself and risk your life for my family issues." Ivan spoke interrupting me,
"At this point these family issues are mine too." I replied,
"Whenever you decide to accept the fact that I'm a part of this fucked up family by now,you can argue."

"Irene,he's right,this isn't about family it's about your life," she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back on the bed,
"Please don't try to do anything stupid",
I sighed and sat back on the bed without protesting.

"Okay then,i hope everyone is ready,it's close to 9pm,we should get going." William interrupted,Candace gave me a hug and a supportive nod before leaving the room with Xavier,William and Eric followed and as i was going to leave the room as well,Ivan stopped me with a back hug,

"Please lets talk" He whispered softly into my ear, "i know what i said was wrong,and in the time you gave me I thought about it endlessly,so please listen to what i have to say at least,"

I sighed and brushed his arms away,I turned back to face him and crossed my arms waiting for him to talk,

"I shouldn't have said what i said,i fell victim to my uncontrollable temper and started spitting anything that was on the tip of my tongue." He started talking facing the ground,
"What i said hurt you but i swear i didn't intend to hurt you in any way,i keep saying all of these hurtful unthoughtful things that tend to hurt you,I'm so sorry Irene,please accept my apology once again and don't let this stupid argument waste our time when we could be closer,we are both individually strong but even stronger when we both work side by side."

"I will never underestimate your power,because without you I could've never made up a plan this intact in my current situation,I'm vulnerable and weak,and I appreciate that you didn't give up on me."

My eyes widened hearing every word he said,he surprised me with how well he handled his apology and how mature he became over night.

"So,lets get over our first marriage argument." He smiled taking my hand,he then reached in to his back pocket and took out a golden ring,
He slipped it into my ring finger and i stared even more shocked,
"Let's make this official Before tonight begins,just in case something goes wrong."

"I-I honestly don't know what to say" I began,
"I'm really proud of you for understanding what you did wrong and admitting that you were wrong and hurting me,but this just took everything next level.."

"I know that this is not the best traditional way to receive a marriage ring,but I promise I'll give you the best biggest wedding if we make it out tonight." He smiled taking out another ring,
A silver ring,
"I don't wear accessories unless they are piercings but..the woman who sold me these said that i should probably get one for the groom,and it made sense i guess."

"You never fail to surprise me" i joked,and we both chuckle softly,He was going to put the ring back into his back pocket but I grabbed his wrist stopping him,
"No..let me..let me give you the ring too" i took the ring,his mouth curved into a soft smile,

I slipped the ring into his ring finger and gave him a joyful smile while locking my fingers with his,he smiled back and caressed my cheek with his other hand,he pulled me closer and planted a soft peck on my forehead.


I grasped his arm as I swallowed the lump in my throat,my heart was beating like crazy,i was nervous as hell.

His outfit was all black,there was no tie nor bow with,no vest ether,his black shirt was opened four buttons down to reveal just enough of his chest,although he was wearing a black cape that covered the other half of his torso while the arm i had my arm around was exposed,

LOVESICKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें