Chapter 16 - This Home Is Dangerous

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It was mid-morning by the time I got home. I was panting, huffing, and sweating from running. Somewhere in the woods I had ditched the backpack and I now had the map clenched in one hand, all wrinkled. I was out of breath. As I walked towards the guards of Crystialia, one of them saw me and waved.

"Hello, Princess Funneh!" I waved back. "Where is my family today? Are they still here?" I asked, tilting my head. The guard continued to smile. "Your family left early in the morning, but they left a horse for you to ride back to the kingdom." I gave him a bow. "Thank the queen for me. Tell her I am in her debt. She gave us so much. Tell her if she ever needs something, that she should not hesitate to ask." The guard tipped his head and lead the way to the stables.

The cool air rushed past me as me and Brownie rushed through the forest. The guard had supplied me with a saddlebag with food and water. I put the map inside along with some carrots. Now Brownie and I were well into our ride, about an hour or two. It was pleasant, leaves blew past me as the sound of the horseshoes pounded on the ground. The air was filled with sweet smells and I inhaled deeply. I slowed Brownie down to a trot and look a moment to enjoy nature.

After about a two hour ride, galloping the whole way, me and Brownie made it back to the newly built castle. I stared. It looked exactly the same as it had before it burnt to the ground. I got off Brownie and petted his chocolate coloured coat. "Thanks Brownie, you're the best-o"
I give him a sugar cube and lead him to the stable, where I got him some more hay, along with a new tub full of water. I took the map out of the saddle pack and headed inside.

I walked into the castle and came into the throne room, where Lunar was pacing around and around. Gold was seated on her throne, reading a scroll, and Rainbow sat on the floor, making circles with her hand. Gold looked up and saw me, and her eyes narrowed. I heard Lunar gasp and arms embraced me. Good to know someone was glad I was home.

Rainbow ran up to me. "Funneh! Where have you been? I woke up this morning and you were not in bed, and I thought Draco somehow got a hold of you and... and I was so scared!" Rainbow said, grabbing my hands. Lunar gave a squeak of happiness. "Thank the heavens you're alright! I thought you had been kidnapped. With all the bad things going on, I expected the worst!" Lunar said, putting her arm around my shoulder.

I looked up to see Gold, standing like an angry goddess glaring down at me. I was confused, what have I done wrong? I took my gaze away from her and looked at my other sisters. "I went to go scope out Draco's place." Lunar gasped. Rainbow laughed. "Good one, Funneh!" She giggled. "I'm serious." I said, giving her the map. She unfolded it and gave a gasp. "What did you find?"

I shrugged. "Couldn't get inside, there was just too many monsters around. The fire seemed to have increased the population of Draco's army, and he overpowers even us!" I side-glanced at Gold to see a flicker of worry cross her face. I continued. "I was spotted by a bat, and ran." The last thing I wanted them to know about was me being followed and Draco's offer.

"Did you find anything useful? Hear anything useful? Did you see Draco at all?" Rainbow said, bombarding me with questions. I tried to answer, but questions came out of her mouth at a terrifying rate. Even Lunar looked worried at Rainbow. "Rainbow calm down!" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. "IAMCALM! SO! TOTALLY! CALM!" Rainbow practically screamed. I sighed. "Rainbow, if you calm down, you might be able get some answers!" I said, trying to pin Rainbow down.

"Yes Rainbow... I want answers." Gold was looking down, and she had a horrifying chill in her voice. "Funneh. What were you thinking?" She reminded me of mom, scolding me for running off into the woods to play. Except mom always had a loving glow in her eyes, even if she's mad."With times like this, how could you even think about running off somewhere without saying anything to us? I've sent letters everywhere, trying to locate you! Search parties all over the kingdoms are out looking for you! You can't just do things like that, Kat! You can't!"

I narrowed my eyes. "I wanted to see if it was really true. If you really had found Draco's manor and never said a word to me about it. But you told Rainbow! Lunar! From the sounds of it, everyone BUT me!" I hardly ever yelled at my sisters, and when I do, it was about Lady Jane.

"Maybe because I knew you would take it like this. Maybe beacuse I knew you were going to want to go scope it out! And when we say no, you would go out at night and risk the chance of exposing yourself!" Gold screamed.

"Are you calling me untrustworthy? Do you not trust me enough to make my own choices?" I demanded. "MAYBE I AM!" Gold said, slapping me across the face. "SHUT UP!"

I tumbled down the stairs to the ground and hit it with a thud that echoed around the room.

A beat of silence.

Nobody in my family had ever hit me before. Nobody.

Gold looked at her hand, shocked. The pain was slowly shifting through my left cheek, and it still tingled a bit when I touched it. Gold had never hit anyone before. I hope her hands hurt as much as my feelings are. I stood up and started walking out. "Funneh..."

I turned to look at Gold. "No. You have made it quite clear that you don't want me here, Gold." I spat, surprised at how calm my voice sounded.

"Funneh, please, she didn't mean it!" Lunar pleaded, stepping forward, but Rainbow pushed her back.

I swept out of the throne room, walked up the spiral stairs, slamming close as many doors as I could to confuse them. I finally got to my room and locked the door behind me. My anger kept my hands and feet moving non-stop. I grabbed a backpack and threw on a light-weight chain chest-plate. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and quickly threw some pants and clothes in the backpack.

A loud knock came from my door. I paused. "Funneh? You in here?" Oh no, seems like Lunar found me. "Guys! I hear her in her room." Lunar called down the hall, and I heard pattering footsteps run up to my door. "Funneh! Funneh?" Another loud knock came from my door. I ignored it and continued stuffing things into my backpack. Soon I hoisted it onto my shoulder, grabbed a padlock and key, and opened the window.

"Stand back ladies. Funneh! If you don't open the door on the count of 3, I'm going to unlock it and force my way in!" Dang it, now Alec is involved! I seriously need some space! I started lifting myself up into the window.


I closed the window quietly, remembered I forgot a jacket and then quickly ran back into the room. Grabbing the first jacket is saw, I put it on.


I hoisted myself back into the window, standing on the rim of my plant box, but I could heard it creaking. I had to act fast. I slammed the window shut and locked it from the outside.


I jumped off the plant box and fell down, and raising my backpack above my head. I landed with a splash in the moat. I climbed out and swung my backpack around my shoulders. I did not have much time, but having the locked window made sure that Alec did not jump down after me. Going around and through the inside would take them a short amount of time.

I quickly made my way back round to the stables, grabbing snacks as I passed by the kitchen window, and found Brownie still saddled. I mounted him and clicked my tongue. Brownie instantly started trotting away. I steered him into the forest and looked back at the Krewdom.

I rode away from the kingdom in the time they needed me the most.

Funneh's Dawn ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora