Chapter 6 - Ashes

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It's been a whole week now since the ball fiasco. I could tell the whole Krewdom was having a hard time. I visited the village with Gold, Lunar and Rainbow three days ago and ended up spending most of the day there, helping villagers. People were panicked and stayed inside most of the time. Some people were going on in their merry ways, like nothing ever happened. Some people came rushing up to us with worried faces asking if we were okay. We were, by the way.

It was slightly raining today, so it was quite wet outside. Me and the rest of my family spent the evening away in the library. I was into this really good mystery book about a little girl tracking down the murder of her friend's sister. Gold was writing back to a letter from the kingdom of Crystialia. Lunar was staring out the window into the tiny mist while Rainbow was also reading this book, snorting at various times according to the events in her book.

Candle light lit the library, with shelves that lined the wall all the way to the ceiling, accompanied with a latter that rolled around to help people reach books at the top of the shelves. Tables with cushioned seats lined the middle of the large room, and a fireplace crackled in the back wall with beanbags lining the front of it.

Sunset was a beautiful time in the library, since it had gigantic windows with red velvet curtains. The last rays of the sun streamed through the windows with one last burst before it would be tucked into the mountains for a good nights rest. Since the library was facing the west, we could all watch the sun's last attempt at blinding us with its light. It was a peaceful day.

That's why none us was expecting it.

Alec burst through the library doors with a sudden fury. "Alec! What's going on!" Rainbow yelped, dropping her book. It landed on the ground with a thud. Gold looked up from her letter and I saw that she spilt the ink bottle and it was slowly running across her letter she had been working on. She had a look of dismay on her face. Lunar looked up from the window. "The rain stopped!" She reported. I bookmarked my page and tucked the book on a shelf. "Something wrong, Alec?" I asked, standing up.

He look tired, like he had ran the whole length of the castle. "Do you smell it?" He asked, looking worried. I sniffed the air. "Smoke" I breathed. My heart dropped. Rainbow gasped and Gold jumped up. An ink stain was on the front of her gown. "A fire somehow started around the west wing. No one knows how it started" Alec reported. I quickly started toward the doors, but Alec grabbed my hand. "Let me go! I have to help!" I screamed, trying to loosen his iron grip on me.

"You're gonna evacuate with the rest of your family. I have guards on the job already." Alec reported, making his grip harder. "Where's Lunar?" Rainbow suddenly shouted. I twisted my body to look around. She was right, where was Lunar? I pushed Alec off, and ran towards the door. Suddenly I was lifted up bridal style and rushed to the window. "What the hell! Alec!" I screamed, feeling my face turn red. The window swung open and Alec dumped me out of it not-so-romantically.

It's rare for me to be this scared, but this time I was freaking out. I felt the air rush past me, taking my screams with it. My hair whipped around crazily. He just DUMPED ME OUT A WINDOW! I felt like my life was flashing before me as I plummeted to my seemed death.

It was cold and wet all of a sudden, and I opened my eyes into the blurry water. Air bubbles swirled around me and the water I landed in was lined with rocks on the bottom. The moat. He must have knew that before he threw me out the window. For once, the moat had saved me. I was numb from the cold and shock. Not how I thought my romance life was gonna be like.

I kicked my legs and pushed myself to the surface, breaking through the water. I quickly breathed in a breath of air, and then started swimming toward the shore. I pushed myself onto the side of the moat. I heard two more splashes behind me, and I turned to see Gold and Rainbow breaking to the surface. We were all safe. "Where Lunar?" Rainbow gasped, spotting me. "I don't know. I'm going back in!" I shivered, soaked to the bone. I made my way to the front gate, and spotted a huge crowd in front of it. Our castle staff.

I quickly approached the crowd and found my way blocked by someone. God damn it. "Kyran! You're here too! Why wasn't I informed of these changes!" I cried. "Cause you're not the head guard, Funneh." Kyran replied, smirking. I shook my head furiously. "Let me in! Lunar is still inside!" I tried to push him out of the way, but failed. "Where are my dogs! Where is my sister!" I screamed, fighting him. "All your dogs are with Lady Jane, and Alec is inside finding Lunar right now! No need for panic!" Kyran said, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to look at him.

I pushed him out of the way and quickly ran into the crowd, hoping to loose him in the ground. I could see the west wing of the castle clearly now, the orange flames licked the walls and shone bright on the white marble walls. Smoke bellowed up into the sky, making dark clouds in the sky. "We need to contain it!" I screamed at a quadrant of guards. "Go find the local fire police, and get more people to use the water from the moat to handle the fire until they can get here!" They all nodded and ran off immediately. I hope they ran fast enough.

I managed to get into the main lobby, and saw Alec carrying a body out of the west door entrance. I ran up to him, grabbed the arms and carried the body with him. We made it outside into fresher air, and I lowered the body. I finally got a good glance at it. Lunar.

"I found her in front of the fire, holding a cup of water. She had her eyes closed, she was muttering under her breath. I scared her and she fell forward, dropping the cup and burning her elbow. She's glad it was nothing more, but the pain made her pass out." Alec explained shaking his head. Kyran came over and muttered something in Alec's ear, and they both ran off, casting worried looks over their shoulders.

"What happened to her, Funneh!" I looked up and saw Rainbow and Gold running toward us. Nurse Lilac was here with me now, carrying Lunar toward the moat and muttering about a burn-resistant cream. "Lunar went and got herself burnt a little. Nurse Lilac said she would take care of her." I answered, my voice shaking. "How's the fire?" Gold sighed. "They managed to contain it for a little bit into just the west wing, but it reached the library, and now the fire is just too big." I knew what she meant. "We have to stay strong" Rainbow said, pulling us in for a hug.

We stood together as we watched the west side of the castle burn to the ground.

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