Chapter 14 - Decisions Decisions

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I woke with the sun streaming through my curtained window. I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I must've fallen asleep, because the sun was up and shining and it's 9am. Crap. I missed breakfast. Hopefuly one of the maids can still get me some snack or something.

I dragged myself painfully out of bed and into the washroom. My eyes were puffy and red, as if I'd cried myself to sleep. Maybe I had, what happened last night was pretty blurry, but I remember the letter. And the dream- nightmare, I meant. My throat hurts, like I'd really been screaming. Maybe I have, maybe the nightmare wasn't a nightmare, but real life.

I splashed water on my face, hoping to dull the redness and puffiness a little. Nope, my skin has other plans today. I guess I'll just have to wing it today, it's not like I really care what people think of me anyways.

I opened my door and walked 3 steps in total before I started regretting I didn't try harder to hide my redness or just stay in my room all day and be a hermit. Walking right in my direction is Alec. Yes, Alec, the guard with crimson eyes and dark hair. I wondered for a brief second if I can still escape back to my room, but he'd already spotted me.

"Hey Funneh!" He said cheerfully.

I hid my face behind my blue hair and said with forced energy, "Hey, wassup?"

"Not much, just running errands for Her Highness, Queen Gold." He said, though he was trying to peer at my face, which was still hidden behind my hair.

"Cool! I, uh, am actually very busy so, I'll see you later!" And with that, I dashed off. All the maids and guards I passed in the hall seemed to peer at me with curious faces. Ugh. Where can a girl go to escape those glances?

Without thinking, I walked to the training room and closed the door. Just as I'd hoped, there was nobody here. I breathed in the familair smell and grabbed the boxing gloves I'd used last time. Somebody, probably Alec, must've came in and organized the things I'd thrown around carelessly. I walked over to the tread mill and turned the power all the way up.

Soon, every thought was out of my mind except for Draco's letter. I had only 4 moons left to decide if I should go or not. If I was going, I'd have to sneak out. There were guards and maids everywhere here, even at night.

I ran for a few hours, before my stomach rudely interrupted me with its annoying growl of hunger. My throat was also parched, I hadn't eaten or drinken in about 12 hours. I left the boxing gloves on the treadmill and took a shower in the shower room.

After the shower, I felt much better. And the redness and puffiness around my eyes were gone too! I changed into a tank top and shorts somebody left in the change room. (They're clean, don't worry.) I'll return it later... maybe.

I walked into the kitchen and my stomach immediately growled loudly. I was embarassed, but at least the cooks there didn't question me. Soon I had a plate of salad, a rolled bun, a bowl of cereal and a cup of chocolate milk.

I felt much better after I'd eaten. I decided to go do some reading because apparently that's supposed to be relaxing. I was about to push open my door before I heard voices inside. I stopped and, before I could stop myself, I was eavesdropping against the door.

"Gold, what are we gonna doooooooo?" It was Rainbow's voice, high-pitched and freaked out.

"Rainbow! Be quiet! At least our castle is being rebuilt. It's almost done too, I'd underestimated the power of the builders of Crystialia." That was Gold. It seemed to be a conversation between just Rainbow and Gold.

"But...don't you think we should go scout out his manor?" Rainbow asked, a little uncertain.

"Maybe...but we don't have enough manpower to do that. And if they get caught, they'll get turned into monsters!" Gold said and gave a loud sigh. I heard her pacing the room. She sounded worried. What's going on?

"Funneh!" I almost jumped out of my skin. It was Lunar, walking up to me. "How are you? I've been let out of the hospital wing, I'm so happy!" I gave a weak smile, Rainbow and Gold's conversation was still fresh on my mind.

Gold and Rainbow must've heard Lunar, because there was a startled gasp from inside the room and Gold's head popped out. "Lunar! Funneh! Hey, come on in!" She was smiling, but I detected fear and worry in her golden brown eyes. I smiled back and went inside our room with Lunar right behind me.

"Guess what," Gold said with excitement, "I just received news that our castle is almost done being rebuilt." She held up a letter with a golden seal. "We can move in 2 days." She let out a smile. I saw her eyes dart to her pillow, where I saw a little paper, ripped at the edges.

"It's dinnertime!" Lunar said, tapping her feet. I nodded. "You guys go ahead, I need to grab something from my room." I said, trying to sound nonchalant. I heard three pairs of feet, walking away, talking about animals. Um, What?

I looked back into my room. I felt angry. They weren't telling me! I was just as equal as a sister to the both of them.

I went over to Rainbow's pillow and reached undearneath it. Aha! I unfolded the paper and looked at it. I looked like a map, with an arrow leading from the castle of Krewdom to a big red X sign.

I might be wrong, but I'm 99.9% sure that lead to wherever Draco's at. How nice.

Tonight, I decided. I'll go scout out his hideout tonight.

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