Chapter 15 - Somewhere that isnt Home

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It was our last night here in Crystialia. It was dark when my alarm for 1:30 am rung. I quickly turned it off and jumped up. I fitted some armor under my black clothes. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and tied on some black boots I borrowed from the queen. I added a black mask that would help me hide my identity, but it blocked my vision a little bit. Before I left, I grabbed a backpack with food, water and an umbrella. (Nobody likes wet hair).

I flung open the balcony door an a cool air of the night blew in. Strands of loose hair that I did not manage to tie down flew past me, waving their arms with a cheerful wave. I took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder at Rainbow quickly. She was still sleeping peacefully. Her hair was flung across the pillow and she was letting out little snores. I quickly shut the balcony door to our room and jumped onto the roof. I jumped from roof to roof, creeping past windows and windows. I slid down to the edge and hopped onto a tree.

I took the map out from my pocket and unfolded it. I just have to walk through the forest, turn left and go across a river, walk a little more, then climb up a hill. Easy enough, I thought. The moon would be my guide and light, so no need for a flashlight. Can't be too hard.

Oh boy was I wrong.

It started off easy enough, walking through the forest. It was getting colder though, and I wrapped my jacket tighter around myself and re-adjusted my backpack straps. Then it started to rain. Cold, hard, wet water droplets fell onto my body, my face. It blurred my vision. I pulled out the umbrella and continued walking. Then, as if my luck was not bad it enough, the wind picked my umbrella and took it for a wild ride. It's never coming back.

I stared helplessly. Never in my life had I felt so angry and so helpless. Except for the time I saw my parents dead. At least I finally reached the river. I tried to bounce across the rocks, but since it was raining, the rocks were slippery. I tumbled into the river and nearly was swept away. I managed to climb out quickly enough, but I was soaked to the bone.

By the time I reached the hill, the rain had almost stopped, and my hair was almost dry. The hill was big though. I took a deep breath and started up. The climb took my breath, even though I'm quite well trained. By the time I reached the top, I was out of breath.

But... oh man.

A clearing in the woods lay below me. It housed a huge manor. Dark bricks. Black stained windows. A tall roof. It kind of looked like a woodland mansion but a dark demonic type. Monsters patrolling everywhere. Too much. No way Draco had gotten all of these monsters at the ball. But the fire... The fire had wiped out so many people. I guess they didn't die.

It was about this time had I realized my mask was gone. How could I have not noticed that! I slowly made my way down the hill, darting from tree to bush. Making my way toward the manor. It was huge. Breathtaking. I stopped a few inches away from two monsters, they seemed to be having a conversation. I was confused. Heck, these monsters can talk?

"How is your patrol?" Said one monster that resembled a witch and had a raspy voice. "I found a rabbit." The other one said. This one looked like a huge troll that was a bright violet colour and had a cold voice. "That's great. Progress." The witch said, rolling her eyes. "We are supposed to be watching out for other humans! Not animals." The troll growled. "So it doesn't matter that I ate it?" The witch stopped. "Do you smell that?" The witch said to the troll. The troll sniffed the air. "I do..." The witch looked at the troll. "It's a human." They said together. I stiffled a gasp and slowly made my way away from the two.

I made my way around the manor, using the trees to my advantage and eavesdropping on conversations. From what I picked up, the manor was built three days ago and Draco was inside right now. Apparently he had gotten other monsters to brew potions and guard him at all times. But one conversation shook me the most.

"Have you heard about what Draco is doing 4 moons from now?" I froze. From my spot behind the tree I could not tell who was talking. " I did, he already sent the note and he even sent a bat to watch her. He is actually going to do it." Another voice responded. "What did he take from the princess?" A third voice said. "Her sword. She's a skilled fighter, from what I heard." The first voice said. "Without her sword, Draco hopes to lure her into a final battle. He thinks she is the only one that can stop him." One of them let out a big huff. "He wants to fight her fair and square. He's training right now to get ready for their battle. He says it's gonna be a sword duel and he won't use magic." The second voice said, sounding unsure.

I stepped back into the safety of the trees and sat down on a moss covered stump. So this was not a trick. I looked up to see a bat circling above along with the moon, when it hit me.

"He even sent a bat to watch her."

I looked up at the bat and spun around. Sure enough, I can see him, marching across the clearing towards me. Draco had a huge cape that flew behind him, making him look majestic and deadly. I bolted for Crystialia.

He knows.

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