Chapter 12- A New Beginning

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Lunar was already awake when I walked in. She looked much better than the last time I saw her, half burned in the medical carriage.

"Hey Lunar," I said in a quiet voice, even though she's awake and this is certainly not the library.

"Hey Funneh," She said with a smile. Her eyes were bright now, and her skin had lost its pale shade. "How are you?"

I laughed a little. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? You are the one who got burned, afterall."

She gave a clear laugh as well. "I'm great, actually. Wait no," she said as her stomach let out a huge growl, "I'm starving! They wouldn't let me eat anything except porridge. And you know how I dislike plain porridge, they have no taste whatsoever!"

I sat down beside her on the bed. "Aw, poor Lunar. I bet she misses her secret stash of candies in her bedroom underneath her nightstand, don't you?" I asked the stuffed teddy bear beside her pillow.

She gave me a surprised look. "You know about my secret stash?? The whole point of the secret stash is that it's a secret! Tell me you haven't stolen any of my prized candies over the years!"

I burst out laughing, "Maaaaybeeee. Hey," I protested as she chucked the teddy bear at me, "I was hungry! They were gonna expire anyway!"

"No they weren't! I dipped them in-" She quickly cut off, covering her mouth. I looked at her, confused. "Dipped them in what? Poison?" I said with a smile. "What? No!" She said, but she looked relieved when I didn't pry for details.

We caught up and chatted for a while, before her nurse came to kick me out. "Good news, Princess Kat," she said with a smile, "Princess Lunar will be released after dinner today. She just needs to eat two more rounds of medicines and she'll be good to go! You, on the other hand," she looked down at my calf, where it was turning purple and there was dried blood around the bandage, "you better come down here after breakfast, or else!" She gave me a stern look.

I quickly nodded, already having visions of her chasing me with a needle in her hand. "Of course! I'll be here before you know it!" And with that, I dashed away.

I met with Rainbow and Gold back at my room and went downstairs to breakfast together. I picked up the now empty ice cream tube and threw it away. Rainbow and Gold were much happier now that they were well rested, and they chatted excitedly about rebuilding the castle and village. I was happy, just listening to their ideas. Everything was okay now, I told myself. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it isn't over yet.

Breakfast is served at 7am here, I found out. Lunch is at 12pm and dinner at 6pm. I was famished and ate three plates of servings. Hey, the cooks here make good breakfast! Pancakes and waffles and scrambled eggs and every flavor of juice there is. I'm thinking of suggesting some improvements for our new kitchen, once it's been made, to Cook Mary.

I didn't see Alec or Kyran at breakfast, but I wasn't surprised. The guards probably eat separately from us royalties. Queen Alexandria came in shortly after us and discussed about sending a few of her workers to go help us rebuild our west wings and the village. We were, of course, very grateful. Alexandria actually went to school with Lunar, before she came back to Crystialia to carry out her duties, and Kyran went to training school with Draco, Alec and me.

After I was done eating, Gold announced that I'll be having a lesson with Lady Jane! Oh dear, please pray for me.

Lady Jane's temporary bedroom was a mix of scarlet and white. Since the lady's room in Crystialia is under maintenance, (because a visitor sat on sofa there and the springs came loose and she flew out the window) so we're having the lesson in her bedroom.

Her bedroom smelled like those expensive perfumes that Gold wears on special occasions. The smell of it makes me nauseated and light-headed. I better not vomit in here, or Lady Jane will actually kill me.

"Oh greetings, Princess Kat. I see you've rested well?" She said in her high-pitched voice that made my ears bleed. And, for your information, I did not sleep well. I've barley slept 7 hours in total for the past 3 days. Could she really not see the bags underneath my eyes? Or is she just so blind that- "Princess Kat!" She said sharply, as if she could hear my thoughts, "I asked you a question, what are you supposed to do?"

Ignore it, duh, I thought, "Sorry, I suppose I'm still tired from the trip here." I said sweetly, voice dripping with sarcasm.

If she noticed my sarcasm, she ignored it. "Ah, well, I suppose we are all. This palace here is absolutely vile! I swear I saw a little hairy rat in the hallways today. Can you imagine living here? Oh how I miss our old castle!"

I turned out on her annoying rant and instead watched a spider crawl its way down her lamp and into the glass case Lady Jane has on her nightstand. Uh oh, someone's gonna get a nasty surprise later.

"-oh, it was just awful! Anyways, let's get on to business. Princess Kat, I've recently noticed that your posture is absolutely horrifying! Honestly, I think the palace dog can walk straighter than you. Especially at Rainbow's ball! I can not believe you tripped in-front of everybody and humiliated me like that! I am going to make your posture right if that's the last thing I do!"

So, for the next hour, she made me change into high heels brought by a maid and walk around her room with books balanced on my head. Her perfume smell just gets more nauseating until I couldn't take it anymore. I was so light-headed I tripped on the rug on the floor and fell down on the floor, hard.

"Oh my stars! Princess Kat, do get yourself up this instant! I am so glad nobody saw that, imagine what they'll think of me!" She said hysterically, but I was busy trying to keep my breakfast down. I struggled up and black dots dotted my vision. I blinked to clear them and I just couldn't hold them anymore. There goes my breakfast!

Lady Jane screeched like a banshee, (which is very un-lady like, in my opinion) and immediately ran to the washroom, her face a pale white color. Her screech had alerted the maids walking by and the guards outside her door. They all rushed in to see me, my breakfast, and Lady Jane, trembling like a leaf. Oops, I think I've scarred her.

"Princess Kat! Are you alright?" The maid asked in concern and helped me into the bathroom while the other maids cleaned up the mess on the floor. Now I was starting to feel embarrassed, "Yes, I'm alright, thank you." I said, my face red. At least the maids and guards aren't from my kingdom and they don't know me that well.

The maids and guards removed the rug and helped me to the medical room, where Nurse Lilac was waiting for me. "Ah, Princess Kat, there you are. I've been waiting for you- oh my, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" She asked and rushed towards me.

"No miss, but she just lost her breakfast in Lady Jane's room." The maid informed her and Nurse Lilac smiled a little. "Serves that snotty swine right. She's just absolutely the worst! Don't tell anyone, please. "She quickly added, seeing my shocked face.

I laughed, "Of course. And, for the record, I agree."

"Alright, let's take a look at your wound, shall we?" The nurse said and the maid exited the room.

Nurse Lilac checked me over and said that the wound is healing well, and she rubbed some disinfection antidote on it.

After she let me go, I decided to spend the rest of the day exploring the castle, with my good ol' running shoes and no books on my head.

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