The Gathering of the Clans Book 2 Chapter 9

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Book 2 Chapter 9

<<<Avon >>>

"Can you drive this thing any faster?" Private Nathan Justi smiled at Doc Ater. "I'm sorry sir but this is as fast as I can go in the dark unless I am in a combat situation and we are hauling ass to make it out." Doc Ater laughed. "So someone has to be trying to kill you to stomp on the gas." Nathan laughed. "Sounds about right sir." Doc Ater smiled. "You guys are going to be fun to work with." He pointed at the sign for Avon. "Right there take the first left and we'll be headed for my  hospital."

Sargent Frank Ives was driving the van following the truck to Avon. Sister Ruth was in tears. "I just don't know what's wrong. When I look through my glasses, everything is blurry but I can see just fine without them now." Sister Ruth had been driving when halfway to Avon her sight went all funny and she almost put them in a ditch. Luckily she had slowed down and was pulling over as soon as it started for safety. "It's okay Sister Ruth, Doc Ater says they will check you out as soon as they get to his hospital. So no need for the tears Sister. Everything will work out. I'd be more worried if you had no sight at all."

Sister Ruth folded her hands and bent her head. "What are you doing Sister?" Sister Ruth popped one eye open and peeked at Frank."You just reminded me to thank our Lord for my having sight at all." Frank laughed. "Pardon me for interrupting your prayer time." Sister Ruth giggled and got back to her praying. They slowed their speed in town where there were more obstacles to drive around. They made a few more turns and pulled up in front of a building with three dogs charging the front door.

"Doc! You stay in the truck until we deal with the animal problem. You wait till we give the all-clear. Just because we only see three does not mean there are only three out there. Okay?" Ater nodded. "I promise. I am not getting bit by some damn dog. So I will wait." Colonel Keir nodded. "Private Justi, you keep an eye on the doctor. Nathan had just finished letting the people in the van know they were going to clear the area before pulling in under the building's overhang. "Yes, Sir!" The men positioned themselves and three shots rang out in the night air. The three dogs at the door went down.

Two men from inside the building threw open the doors, stepped out, and waved at them. Colonel Keir growled. "This is why I hate working with civilians! We got two rounding the building! Doc Ater lowered his window. "Get back inside! There's more of them!" The two men dove inside the building pulling the doors closed behind them as fast as they could. The dogs rounded the building and headed for the two men. The doors had barely closed behind them. One man was holding the doors shut while the other was wrapping chains through the door handles. Both men stepped away from the doors when they were done.

The dogs barked and snarled at the doors. "This is Frank. We got party crashers from the rear. I count 4." "Uhh Sargent, I think this one wants me to take the puppy in its mouth. Frank turned and sure enough, there was a dog pawing at the sister's widow with a puppy in its mouth. Frank leaned over and flashed his flashlight in the dog's eyes. "Lower your window and take the pup. The dog has the rings in its eyes." Sister Ruth lowered the window, and the dog leaned in, and dropped the pup in her lap. It dove down to the ground and scooped up another pup and dropped it in the sister's lap with the first one. It repeated the action a third time.

"It's got another pup out there Sargent should I let it in the side door?"Frank nodded, turned in his seat, and drew his weapon. "Be quick, we got 4 closing in behind us." Garret pulled the side door open. The dog pushed a pup into his hands and dove back out the door. "Damn, how many pups does it have? This time the dog ran to a tree and scooped up a pup, ran to the van, and jumped in. Garret slammed the door shut behind it. Frank holstered his weapon and turned back around in his seat. "Just in time, our 4 party crashers are here."

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