I'm losing. I can feel it.

I look over to Rai quickly. He wasn't doing much better.

In my distraction, the goons take the chance to kick me in the ribs. I grunt it in pain.

"Henry!" Jasper yells.

"Kid Danger, how are you doing? These guys are really tough." Rai asks into the coms.

"Not so good." I pant.

"Just, keep-'' Suddenly the line is replaced with Rai's muffled shouts. "Kid get out of here!"

"Captain Man?" I ask, panic shooting into my bloodstream. While trying to keep the criminal surrounding me at bay.

Suddenly the circle of criminals separates.

A man with orange-red hair, about six foot, walks over to me. His face, his eyes, his look, it burns a hole into my soul. It's a face I would never forget, not in a million years. This face belonged to a monster.


"Hello, soldier." Nigel said.

A goon grabs me from behind, firmly holding me in place.

A goon dragged Rai into the circle. He was chained up.

"Kid! Don't listen to him!" Rai yells.

"Please, don't do this." I beg.


I twist in pain as every memory seeps into my head.

"Kid! Don't listen to him! Listen to me, listen to my voice."

"Henry, Henry it's Charlotte, don't listen to him!" Charlotte shouted through the coms.


I cry out in pain.

"Henry! Henry, you're stronger than this!" Rai yells to me. "Do you hear me? You are not who they made you to be! You're stronger than what they want you to be."

"Don't do this! Please!" I scream.

"Amore." Nigel said stoically.

I cry out in pure agony.

"Charlotte! What's happening?" Jasper yells.

"They're forcing him back into the Dark Soldier!" Charlotte yells.

I vaguely see Rai try to break his chains.


Almost every thought in my head is soon replaced with orders, Captain Man's the villain.  Rai's my friend, I persist.

"Henry, fight it!" Charlotte commands, her voice in my ear was hardly noticeable though. With all the commands and voices in my head telling me that Rai was the villain, Charlotte's voice was nothing but a whisper.


"Captain Man, I'm sorry." I cry out. I struggle to get out of the goon's grasp, but I was fighting a losing battle.

"Kid!" Rai shouted.


And then I stop struggling. I stop fighting the soldier.

"Dark Soldier." Captain Nigel says.

I pull out a tiny chip in my ear, and crush it in my palm.

"Ready to comply."

Rai's Point of View

I watch helplessly as Henry's forced back into the soldier he never wanted to be.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now