Chapter 74: Getting ready for the ball.

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After that, I smile warmly at her, to which she nods and smiles back.

"Ah! Master, should I tell everyone what just happened? Or should I wait until tomorrow?"

And I was waiting for that question! Time to do an anime style exit!

I look towards the 'empty' space that we passed by a bit ago and smile, startling said 'empty' space for a moment before it quickly calms down.

"There is no need for that, Erica."

As I say that, I start turning around slowly and grab my bedroom's doorknob.

"After all, everyone has been watching us since the very beginning. Huhu...with it being casted on so many people, Luca has quite the useful spell, don't you think?"


With that, I smile at the dumbfounded Erica and point at where she should be looking at before entering my room.

How was that?!

Now comes the funny part!! Will they stay hidden? Will they be scolded? Or will she be embarrassed?

To discover that, I obviously stick my ear to the door and wait. Even if I don't need to due to my senses!

What? Even then, it's impossible for me to stick close to the door because of my boobs, you say? HA! You lack imagination!!

I am leaning completely on my side instead of just my head!

Oh! Its starting!!


While Erica was confused for a moment at her Master's words, she still turned around and looked at the place her Master pointed at.

Then, she focused her senses, which were much sharper than they ever were before her change, and something clicked within her.

"This sensation...Master was right..."

It was then that such murmur left her lips as her expression turned into a deadpan, for she was not amused.

"Luca, we have sparred together long enough for me to recognize that spell. Come out."

Not only that, but the air around her made it clear that she was angry, even if she spoke at the 'empty' space in a monotone.

And in response to it, the 'emptiness' disappeared, replaced by various women in nightwear that suddenly appeared in its place.

Some had nervous smiles on their faces as they tried to avoid Erica's gaze.

Some laughed in both embarrassment and nervousness.

And others simply cleared their throats before trying to act as normal as possible.

Indeed, none were nonchalant about. for one.


Or at least it only seemed that way, for there was indeed an apologetic feeling in the way she said 'hi' with her hand.

In any case, Erica's gaze immediately fell on the one she had called out, and said bang covered maid promptly pointed at the woman beside her.


So said Luca in her clearest whisper possible.

"What?! That's not true!"

Startled by such whispered declaration and Erica's gaze falling on her, Lucy immediately exclaimed that while she raised her hands and shook them.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ