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There was a sense of nervousness and excitement in the air. The four of them had been practicing like crazy the past two days in order to be ready for the festival show. Michael was pretty sure that by now he could play all the songs that they'd been practising in his sleep. It hadn't been easy, but they were sounding a lot better though. Considering they only had two days there wasn't much time to reach perfection, but they were sounding good. He could only hope that the people at the festival would enjoy listening to their makeshift band.

True to their promise the four of them made their way through the aquarium before the show. Michael had to admit that he was just as excited about being here with Luke as he had the first time. Especially with Calum and Ashton along with them as well. Even if they weren't so excited as the two of them.

"I'm so glad we didn't have to miss out on the aquarium to play the show." Michael grinned to the others as they passed through the exhibits.

"Me either. I'm so nervous about making a mistake and being the one at the front. This is helping for sure." Luke agreed.

"You're going to do fine Luke." Calum nodded. "I'm more nervous about us playing one of my songs."

"It's great Calum, I'm sure everyone's going to like it. I mean hey we all did." Ashton encouraged. Though it was clear that he had been nervous all day too.

"True." Calum agreed.

Eventually they came to the Dolphin exhibit. Michael smiled as one of the dolphins in the pod came and swum over to them. Much to everyone surprise the dolphin stopped directly in front of Luke.

"Hello little guy." Luke spoke to is as if it could understand him, "How are you today?"

The dolphin made a small approving nod as it clapped its fins together. Luke grinned at it.

"That good, huh?" Luke smiled.

The dolphin tilted its head from side to side and a disappointed look crossed Luke's face.

"No, I can't come and play." Luke shook his head, "I need to stay out here."

The dolphin made a small noise again. Luke frowned.

"I'm sorry." Luke sighed, "But I brought some friends with me though." He gestured towards the three of them. The dolphin made a small nod and a noise that he hoped was of approval. He noticed how the dolphins gaze lingered on him much longer than it did on Calum or Ashton. The dolphin turned back to him letting out a small noise, Luke simply nodded.

"Luke can you communicate with them?" Calum asked with wide eyes. Michael nodded; he'd never seen any other merperson do this sort of thing before. He'd heard of dolphins being friends with merpeople but nothing like this. Between his magic abilities and now this, Michael could only think that Luke was full of surprises.

"Kind of?" Luke shrugged, moving away from the glass as if it had been nothing. Michael noticed the way the dolphin's eyes followed him as he moved.

"That's so cool." Calum gasped. Ashton nodded in agreement.

Calum turned to Michael, "I guess we know why the two of you love coming here so much. Mikey can you do that too?"

Michael shook his head. He could only guess that Luke had been here so many times that the dolphin knew him. Perhaps even Luke had learned to recognise some of the dolphin's common gestures and sounds. Michael began to wonder if he could do the same.

Noticing Michael's confusion, Luke spent a bit of time explaining how he did it. Michael listened intently to his every word. He stood at the glass, yet he couldn't understand anything the dolphin was trying to tell him. It didn't seem to understand him either. It was as if they were speaking two different languages.

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