24-The Ball

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"NO, guys you can't!" Luke protested, looking between the two of them, "You heard what Michael said, imagine what his father will do to you. To all three of us."

"Both of you are miserable, we have no choice." Calum spoke, Ashton nodded.

Calum and Ashton helped Luke get cleaned up and the three of them swam to where the ball was being held. It was a massive auditorium like structure. There were people everywhere as they packed into the large room. Mermaids swam past them with carefully braided and waved hair decorated with pearls and seashells.

A kind of music Luke had never heard before played from the other side of the room. He raised an eyebrow at the merpeople that were playing instruments that were made of clam shells and various other sea items. They made a different sound from anything he'd ever heard on land before.

"Imagine if we learned to play those." Calum joked.

"We'd be a super popular band I'm sure." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Guys, be quiet." Luke frowned at them. "You'll give us away."

Calum and Ashton were both silent after that. Luke's eyes began to scan the crowd for Michael, he was nowhere to be seen though. Maybe he hadn't arrived yet. He frowned realising he was probably still meeting that person his father wanted him to meet. So instead the three of them tried their best to blend into the crowd.

"I don't know how you guys eat this stuff." Calum frowned examining the table of food. Most of the food was a selection of different types of krill, seaweeds and kelps. Luke pulled a face; he wasn't exactly fussed on the food options either.

"No wonder Michael was so excited when we first gave him pizza." Ashton agreed. Luke couldn't help but nod.

A loud trumpet like sound filled the room, and it seemed as though every merperson's head in the room turned towards the front stage. Luke's stomach did bellyflops as they announced the royal family's arrival. He knew he couldn't look away.

A few moments later from the top of a large staircase emerged a couple both wearing crowns, he recognised the male as the sea king, his tail and facial features were a little less pale than the day before but still ghostly. He was supported on his arm, by a white blonde-haired woman that Luke could only assume was Michael's mother.

Then he saw him swimming a little way behind was Michael. He was wearing the golden crown he'd seen earlier upon his head. At first, he looked petrified, before plastering on a wide grin. Luke wasn't sure how he knew but he could tell that it was all for show. He remembered what Michael had told him about not enjoying this sort of thing.

They swam down the staircase and Luke watched as Michael was quickly surrounded by an entire group of mermaids, each wore the finest pearls and shells woven into their hair. It was terrible watching all these mermaids flirt with him. He could tell that Michael was just being polite to most of them, but he couldn't help but worry Michael really would find someone he liked better.

"Just be patient." Ashton told him, with a sympathetic look.

Luke could only nod, as he watched on.

Slowly the group around Michael began to dwindle. Until there was only one girl left. She had long dark blackish brown hair with a green tinge to her tips, and a green tail to match. Much like the others her hair was pulled back with a string of pearls that met at the centre of the back of her head. Luke knew she was pretty, but as she dragged him out to dance there was something about her movements that Luke knew was off.

"I really don't like that one." Luke frowned, unsure whether he was just being jealous or there was something more to it.

"Michael doesn't seem to like her much either." Ashton frowned noticing the uncomfortable look he was giving her as they danced.

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