23-Finding Michael

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"Luke slow the heck down. I've got no idea how you use this thing." Calum yelled, rapidly flicking his new teal green tail behind him as he tried to power along.

Ashton sighed, looking back at his own orange one, "Now I understand how Mikey felt when he got his legs for the first time this is tough."

Luke let out a groan, it was great that his two friends had temporarily gained the power to transform into mermen too, but it was tough. Both could swim well with legs. Yet it was like starting at square one having to teach them how to use the tails. He'd already spent an entire hour showing them how to use it. They were getting better, but their complaining and movements said otherwise. It almost felt like the universe was getting revenge on him for having Michael teach him.

"You just need to keep putting power into flicking your tail, it's just like legs." Luke told them as if he was an expert, as the two struggled to swim straight or far at all.

"You have no idea, it's nothing like swimming with legs." Ashton grumbled flicking the tail in frustration. "It's like swimming with two legs glued together."

"Hey but at least we can breathe under the water." Calum grinned at him.

"True." Ashton agreed with a nod. "And talk too."

They kept at it though and Ashton and Calum were much better at it by the time the three of them could see the kingdom on the horizon.

"It's over there." Luke pointed towards it. Though he noticed today that he could see dozens upon dozens of small pods of mermaids heading towards the city. What his mother had said about anyone who's anyone being there wasn't a lie. It had been crowded in the streets enough yesterday, today they would be at full capacity.

Ashton and Calum were quiet for a moment, both their eyes travelling over the city in awe. Luke couldn't help but smile at their reactions, thinking of his own from yesterday. The Kingdom was truly a magical sight, something out of a Disney movie or a fairy tale.

"Wow, so this is where Mikey's really from? Fancy." Ashton gasped, his eyes inspecting the city in stunned shock.

"He is a prince, remember." Calum rolled his eyes. He turned to Luke, "So where do we get in.?

Luke scanned the area. They could blend in with the people entering through the main gates to the palace. Though up ahead he could see the guards seemed to be checking each of them quite thoroughly. They'd never get in that way like they had yesterday. Besides he'd had Luna and Michael with him then. They simply could make it past for being them. He was sure the guards would have even been warned about him. They probably even had orders not to let him in. If he used magic to get past them it would cause even more of a problem, they'd think he was an intruder or someone trying to storm the palace.

"Well first we need to get past the palace gates. But there's no way the guards will let the three of us in there on our own, even though you two both look like merman. Besides if any of them recognise me, then it'll be game over." Luke explained to them both.

Calum grinned seeming to have no problem with Luke's words, "Guards? Come on Luke, we came all this way. Surely we can think of a way to get past the guards."

Calum thought they'd have to find an opening in the gate somewhere. So, the three of them swam the entire circumference of the palace. Unfortunately, there was no other openings than the palace gates. Luke let out a sigh this was hopeless. He was never going to see Michael again.

"Don't be discouraged Luke, we'll find a way inside." Ashton assured him.

Both Luke and Ashton looked around realising that Calum was no longer with them. Luke looked over seeing that Calum had swum on further ahead. Ashton and Luke exchanged worried glances.

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