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"One up, like fifty more to go." Luke declared as he finished sticky taping the festival flyer to the telegraph pole.

"It's a start." Michael nodded.

Though he knew it wouldn't be easy, it was incredibly hot today. Michael felt as though he might melt into a puddle from the heat. A cool dip in the ocean would be a welcome change, though he knew that there was no way he could do that.

They'd split off into two groups to put up the posters, they'd found a few more of the printed ones to put up so it was too big of a task for one person. Calum and Ashton had split over the other side of town, whilst Luke and Michael covered the other part of town.

"We should see if they'll put a couple of them in the shopping mall for us." Luke grinned as they walked past.

"Good thinking." Michael nodded, there had been plenty of people here when they'd visited the complex the day before. It wasn't much different today; the entire place was crowded with people. Perhaps even more so than it had been the day before.

"You start with the music store and I'll go see them at the information desk. We can meet back at the fountain." Luke explained, pointing the two places out. "Is that okay?"

Michael nodded, surely, he could handle being on his own for five minutes. All he needed to do was talk someone in the store into putting up the sign. It couldn't be that hard.

There were dozens of instruments in here, many of which he'd never seen before. His eyes paused over the guitars for a moment, they came in so many different shapes and sizes. Some looked like the one that Calum had been playing whilst others looked completely different. His favourite though was a shiny red one.

"Can I help you?" A guy asked, he wore a small name tag declaring him as the manager. Michael was a little nervous, he had no clue what it meant but it sounded important.

Alarmed Michael choked on his words for a moment but nodded remembering the task at hand. He reached into the bag of flyers and pulled one out.

"Hi, I was wondering if maybe you'd be able to put some posters up for the festival that's going to be on this weekend." He explained.

The store manager nodded quickly. "Of course. One of my sons is playing in the festival, so I'd more than happy to put one up. In fact, I'm happy to put up a couple"

"Fantastic thank you." Michael nodded, passing him a few of the flyers. The man took them gladly, still enthusing about the festival. Michael took a quick walk around the store before he left. His eyes scanning over all the weird and wonderful items the store contained. He quickly reminded himself that he needed to meet up with Luke and thanked the man once more as he left.

He walked back out onto the forecourt. His eyes scanning over towards the fountain where they'd planned to meet. He couldn't see Luke though yet.

"Will you let me get past please!?" Michael heard an angry voice yell.

Michael froze. Then he heard laughter.

"Thought now we've all graduated we'd leave you alone, huh?" A voice teased, "We've got all of summer left to pick on you, Luke."

Michael blinked at the name. He had to be overreacting. Yet he couldn't help but think that the first voice did sound a bit like Luke. He looked in the direction of the information desk and could see a small group of people swarming around something.

Sure enough, he could faintly see Luke cowering in the middle of them all, looking petrified. Michael noticed that the five guys surrounding him were the same ones that had been pulling faces outside the pizza parlour.

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