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Michael was feeling pretty defeated after talking to Luna. He sighed as he leaned against the bed head and closed his eyes. He hated that his friend was upset at him for his choice.

Why couldn't she understand what he was going through? He just hoped that neither her or the guards would tell his father that he was hanging around with the humans or he could be in even more trouble.

His heart ached for the sea; he loved his life on land. Yet still he yearned to race against the fishes like he'd grown up doing. He still didn't know what he wanted anymore. As much as he hated to admit it, Luna was right coming on land had changed him.

He sighed pulling the plush dolphin to his chest, why couldn't things be easy?

There was a sudden knock on the door and Michael jumped up in surprise. "Come in."

Ashton appeared nervous as he came in the room. Michael knew he hadn't exactly come out of his room all day except for food. He'd even refused to go down the beach with them early this morning, despite Luke's pestering. He wasn't in the mood when all he could think was that someday soon, he might have to leave them.

"Hey, Mikey I have a surprise for you. Put your shoes on, we're going out." Ashton declared without giving Michael a chance to talk.

"Where to?" Michael asked in confusion.

Ashton simply grinned, "As I said, it's a surprise."

Michael gave Ashton an unsure look but nodded, before pulling his shoes on and getting dressed. He met Ashton down at the car but as he buckled up his seatbelt he frowned. It was pitch black outside, where was Ashton taking him at this hour?

Eventually they pulled up to a strange looking building. Michael had missed the sign on the way through as there had been at least a dozen. He had no idea where they were. Ashton pulled a key from his pocket as they left the car, and he put in into the lock at the door. Michael frowned as he sniffed the air and noticed a slightly strange jarring smell. He looked over to Ashton, but he appeared to be looking for something.

Then Ashton flicked on the light revealing a large high-ceilinged room and a giant body of water, it looked like a giant bathtub. There was another much smaller one over the other side of the room. It was massive, and there wasn't a soul here. Michael gasped.

"Ash is this for me?" He asked in realisation.

"I have a few friends." He grinned. "I know the water might not be as good because of the chemicals in the pool. But I heard what you said to your friend about missing the water and I know you said you couldn't go on the ocean so..."

"No, this is great. Thanks, Ash." Michael grinned.

Michael stared at the pool for a moment in stunned awe. He couldn't believe that it was real. There would be plenty of room to swim, and he wouldn't need to be worried about his father or the guards dragging him back to the water. It was perfect.

"Can I go in?"

Ashton nodded, "Of course you can. I mean that is what I brought you here for right?"

Michael nodded. His stomach doing bellyflops in anticipation.

With a small smile Michael took off his shirt, leaving it on the nearby grandstand. He took a small run up before he dived straight into the water. It took a moment but soon he felt his tail reform. He gave it a delighted swish. He'd almost forgotten how nice it was to have so much room to move. Ashton had been right the water did have a funny taste. Yet the bathtub didn't exactly give him any room to swim so it was a welcome change.

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