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Michael raised an eyebrow as he heard loud thumping beat coming from downstairs. It sounded like music. Confused he stumbled downstairs, seeing something moving around on the back veranda. He walked out to the back door finding Luke was dressed in an old t-shirt with a few splotches of colour already on it tapping along to the beat. Beside him was Ashton who was carefully sketching something out with a pencil. His toe tapping along to whatever the song was on the radio.

"We're making up posters for the festival, do you want to help?" Luke questions when he notices Michael watching them. He gestures towards the paper.

Michael blinks for a moment looking over the objects on table. He has no idea what they're doing or what a poster even is, he only understands the word festival. He sees bright coloured pots and strange stick like objects.

"They're signs to advertise the event." Ashton grins, "We ran out of the proper ones, so we decided to make some extras. Luke's right, you're welcome to help us."

"Okay." Michael nodded, though he wondered whether he had the skills to do something like this. Ashton and Luke seemed to think so. He supposed that perhaps it was just like rock or wood carving, some of the tools looked like what they had in the ocean. Michael looked over the materials, he watched as both Ashton's straight object moved elegantly over the page, creating lines on the page. It didn't look too hard.

"Here's some paper." Luke grinned when he didn't respond, producing a massive piece and putting it front of him, as well as another old shirt. "If you want to do one like mine, just put some colour down and we'll write the details for the festival on later."

Michael couldn't help but stare, Luke was making it sound easy, but he was suddenly feeling particularly nervous. He put the paint shirt on over the one he'd borrowed from Ashton.

"You want a brush?" Luke bit his lip, offering a similar item what both other boys were using.

Michael nodded accepting the item. He examined it for a moment. He supposed it was like writing with a squid ink dipped shell or a piece of coral. Just with more colours to choose from. His hand hovered over the various colours.

"You can use whatever colours you like. We want them to stand out though, because we want as many people as possible to come." Luke added.

He nodded quickly. It sounded easy enough. His eyes went between the blue and the green as he carefully dipped the brush into the thing Luke had called paint.

Though left on his own Michael frowned at the blank paper, he thought of the way the human's music had made him feel yesterday and he wanted to share it with everyone. His eyes moved between Ashton and Luke who were using the materials carefully.

Michael mimicked their movements as he tried to control the paintbrush. Though to him it looked like a big mess. He frowned down at the page as it had turned into a muddy colour. He knew this simply wouldn't do. A poster like this was more likely to turn people away from the festival than attract them.

"Can I have another one?" Michael asked nervously frowning over at Luke.

Luke took one look over at Michael's page and nodded, before handing him over another piece of paper. Michael stared at his new piece, feeling frustrated. He didn't want to mess this one up.

It was at that point Ashton left to get them some food, leaving just the two of them.

Michael let out a long-frustrated sigh at his still blank page. He couldn't think of anything, and he didn't want to make his page look muddy again.

He looked over noticing that Luke was now onto another poster and flicking the paint onto his page with brush. He grinned that looked like fun and it was leaving a cool effect on the page. He wanted to try it.

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