chapter 14

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I needed to talk to someone. I needed to clear my head. I need to talk to VI. "You shouldn't have done that Natasha " I heard vi shouting. He is never angry. What happened to him. I need to know.

"Varun that's good for her. You can't interfere in her life " Nats retorted. "Neither can you? " varun shouted. "You are angry for no reason, varun " nats said. Varun left from there angrily.  They were fighting. They never fought. They are fighting because of me. I am the reason for their Fight. God I can't be reason be of their pain. I need to go. 

I went towards restroom. As I opened the door, Chris turned toward the shower and zipped up his pants. “Jesus! Shit! I’m so sorry.” I yanked the door to close it, but he grabbed hold and pulled it wide open.
“Wow. Was it that disappointing?” He laughed, and my face burned with embarrassment.
“I didn’t see anything.” I was mortified.
“You really know how to hurt a man’s ego." He said and left from there.

" Gosh ! I am a mess " I whispered to myself. "A hot mess" chris said in my ear ." God this man ,I hate him " I whispered so that only I could hear. "You only hate those things, which you want, but you can't have " He said and smirked and left from there.  I needed to be away from him.

And here I was, standing in front of his door, knocking it. He opened it looking all, what can I say PERFECT. "So you don't hate me now, as I think you now really want me, as you are here " He smirked.

" Why are you such an ass?" The words came out before I could think twice.
"Everyone has to excel at something, right?"
"Well, you're doing a great job." I said and he let me in.

He has just gotten ready as his hair looks damped. He has worn a simple tee and faded jeans, like he is not trying to put any effort into looking good.

I think that’s why I find him hard to look away from, though, because I’ve always found guys more attractive when they put less effort into trying to appear attractive.

"What brought you here"?, he asked me.
"Well I want to ask you, why you are so interested in me. It's bothering  me. do you want to break my heart? " I asked.

"Well, for one, I’m not allowed to break your heart,” he says. “Second, I’m also not allowed to break your damn heart. And last, I’m not allowed to fucking break your damn heart." he said.

"OK!  But if it's not that, why are you so much into me?  I know for a moment it can't be for pleasure, as if it was, you would have kissed me yesterday. Then why? " I asked. He didn't said anything."I mean you are hot enough to get any lady, then why me? "  I asked.

He’s quiet for a minute, then grins again. “I can’t believe you think I’m hot.”
“Shut up.”
“You probably faked passing out the other day, just so you could be carried in my hot, sweaty, manly arms.”
“Shut up.”
“I’ll bet you fantasize about me at night, right here in this bed.”
“Shut up, Chris .”
“You probably even…”
I reach over and clamp my hand over his mouth. “You’re way hotter when you aren’t speaking." I said.

We both were so close at that moment."You make it so hard to breathe." he whispered.

  After that it was like we were playing a game, a game that who will move first.

I smile, amused by whatever game this is we're playing.
He smiles, too.

"I have to go,  I have work ,I need to go. " I said moving apart.

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