chapter 10 part 1

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                       I AM WEAK

In club

"What do you wanna have reet, soft drink or drink? "asked raj.

"Soft drink actually  because drinking isn't really my cup of tea."said reet.

"As you wish my lady "said raj. "I want vodka "said simi.

"Aren't you both are flirting with each other? "said varun.

  "What?  Obviously not "said reet. "Obviously yes "said simi pouting.

"Here are your drinks, guys "said raj. Simi drank the whole thing in one go. "Simi, slow down "said reet. She neglected her and went to have more. "it looks Like someone has pissed her. "said varun.

"Anyways reet, let's have a dance "said raj and dragged her from there.

Raj and reet was slowly moving to song in club, while simi and varun was looking at them..
"Don't you this is going quite Over the board? I mean she will get hurt. "asked reet to raj.

"You really have something about you reet. I mean obviously the eyes of yours speak volumes. That's why varun thinks it's your best feature. You don't know  how much attractive you are? Then why such under confidence? "asked Raj.

"What? "asked reet raising her brows. " Really, Ms reet kapoor, you are beautiful, but others can see it, but you can't see it, I don't know why. And you know why people are attracted to you. Not just because you are beautiful from outside, more than that you are beautiful from inside. That innocence of you lures all. If not Simi ,I wouldn't have minded going out with you. "said raj.

"Are you flirting with me? "asked reet. "No, not at all. I am stating facts.  I wanna know why are you in that shell of yours? Why don't you come out of it? "asked raj.

"It's getting uncomfortable for me, I need to go. "said reet and left from dance floor. 

"Simi, you know na, I can't dance long, please give him company "said reet.  Simi hesitated at first and then went to dance floor.

"Hey, are you fine after so many shots? "asked raj to simi. "I wanted to ask that to you, are you fine? "asked Simi.

"What do you mean by that? "asked raj. "I mean until yesterday, I don't think you and reet even had proper conversation, but now you are flirting with her openly. Obviously she can't sense it, because she is dense. But I can see it. Hey, do whatever you want to do, but please don't hurt her. She can't even share her pain with anyone. She is not some play toy. Please don't hurt her "said simi.

"I can never think of hurting her. Really she is the nicest person I have ever met and about flirting with her, I could have flirted with her, if I haven't seen that girl "said raj.

"Which girl? "asked simi. "The girl, who is caring for her friend, when she is not happy herself. I would have pursued Reet, if I wouldn't have seen you first. Reet is everything that a man can want but she is not you, Simi and I want to be with you "said raj looking into her eyes.

"Is that true ? "said simi. "unfortunately yes "said raj. Simi hit him on shoulder. "I like you too idiot "said simi and hugged him.

Reet and varun saw all this and Raj signalled thumbs up to reet. "so all this was your plan? "asked varun.

"Yeah, I am happy for them. They will be good for each other "said reet.

"What did he said, that you left the dance floor? "asked raj. "I don't know, what you are saying? "said reet.

"Come on Reet, remember  we are STRANGERS ,let it out. "said raj. "He asked why I am so under confident. Why I don't want to come out of that shell? "said reet.

" so open up reet. OK let's have some drink (reet tries to interrupt) it's beer. You need to open up "said varun.

They both had some beer. "Now tell Me, why don't you want to see that you are good enough? "asked varun.

" It's not easy varun. It's not easy for me.when your whole life you have been made felt that you're not good enough, it's not easy. You know from childhood, I was made realize that I wasn't good enough. You know my mom never loved me, the way she loves my brother. I mean it's not like she hates me. But she doesn't love me in that way. When I was born, she wanted a boy. So I wasn't her first choice and till now I am not her first choice and I think I never will be. You know   I love my dad most in the world. Obviously he loves me too. He is the person who cares for me the most in my family. But he also mocks me, that I can't survive in this world. I am a emotional person, so when things go wrong, I cry because sometimes I can't take out my anger on that person. They think because I cry, I am weak. I can't handle things. I was the topper in every class. But you know I was never appreciated. I was made felt that yours marks aren't good enwas made felt that yours marks aren't good enough,that you aren't good enough. I cried everytime my result came. You must be thinking what a way to melodrama. But when you feel that your parent's doesn't feel you are good enough, it breaks a child's heart, his confidence. And you know what's bad my dad Is good, I know he have his reason's. But he has anger issues. Sometimes he......   "said reet.

"He what reet? I need to know. "said varun.

"He sometimes used to beat me, mom and my brother .he even used cane for that. Even when I was in Post graduation. You know the scars I got by that on body got healed, but the scars that beatings left on my soul are still raw, open. You know people say parents are always for their child when they need them. My wasn't, I can't share anything with them, because they can never understand me. I was fat growing up, PCOD you know, so instead of motivating me to loose weight. I was body shamed by my family. Irony  na!  No body trusted in me, varun, No body.
And I had friends, who was with me for their own reasons. Now you tell me, how will you feel, if you.....? "said reet and dozed off.

"You are more than good enough reet and you are very strong. You are not weak "said varun.

Raj and simi came there. "Hey what happened to her? "asked simi.

"Nothing !She let out some heavy things out of her heart, so she needed some rest. I think we should go" said varun.

"OK let's go "said raj and gone to carry reet. "It's OK you and simi go, get the car, I will carry her "said Raj. And they left from there.

That was emotional for me to write.  What do you think guys, is reet strong or weak? Share your views in comment box. Please leave votes and comments 

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