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Reet ~ R
Varun ~ V
Simi ~S
Varun's Manager ~M

Reet and her friend simi are doing preparations for some event at their department.

R: "I hate this, I absolutely hate this, why god why, why I'm here? "

S: "Sometimes I doubt, you are really a university topper reet! have you forgot we are here for our doctorates. Your dream of becoming, Dr reet kapoor, remember? "

R: " Haha, simi nice try, but I m not in a mood for your PJ's. I m talking about if Some celebrity is coming, then why does our department, which is physics department, which has same relation with entertainment industry as newton has with Akbar, is hosting that celebrity? Why? "

S: "Reet, because we need funds for our research to continue. And Dean has agreed to provide it, only if that celebrity is taken good care of. "

R: "some other department could have done it too naa. "

S: "Well they are doing their part, we are doing our part. Anyways we have only small work, we have to just do decorations and have to take his interview for university website and magazine."

R: "interview, like really ! We aren't reporters!"

S: "calm down reet, I know we aren't reporters, but there are prepared interview questions we just have to ask.And don't worry, I m sure you are not going to interview him.they will send someone else. "

R: "Thank god for that. You know naa how I get conscious in front of strangers.BTW who is coming? "
S: "reet he is charmer. He is my dream boy. He is heartthrob of the nation ,He is......"

R:"does this he have any name ?(rolling her eyes) "

S:"reet, you are such a bore.have you seen girls at campus, they have gone crazy with the news of his arrival and here you are asking about him with such disinterest? Girl, I m sure you are gonna swoon once you see him. He is so handsome,So hot. He is var..."

R:"anyway leave it, I will see him tomorrow. So now stop your HE-GATHA,just focus on work.after this we have to go to lab too."

S:"OK, madam.lets finish this. "

Next day, varun khanna and his team arrives at campus.

M:"Varun, we are going to reach the campus in half an hour. "

V:"OK, I m gonna take a nap, wake me up after reaching the City ."

M:"varun, I don't know why you are doing this. You didn't have any need to do it. You could have been at home resting, or maybe you could have spent some alone time with Natasha too. But here you are, going to spend a week at some campus, for which you aren't even charging something. I really don't get you sometimes. "

V:"Raj, everything is not done for money. Sometimes you have to think about others before yourself .campus is doing awareness programme related to mental illness . And being in this industry, I know how tough is dealing with mental illness . And there is more for me in this than you can think. "

M:" will you explain Me what you will get in this? "

V:"you know na my next movies, in one of which I m gonna play a student and the other one in which I m gonna play A vulnerable person?"

M:"yes, I know that. OMG, varun you are genius, now I understand why are you going there?to get into depth of characters. Now I know why all people praise you, you are not just good to eyes, but smart too ."

V:"(smiling) Now since you have wasted my 10 minutes, let Me sleep and wake me up on reaching the city. Before campus, I want to visit the Dargah. "
M:"OK, will do it. "

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