What she was to me?

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Varun's POV

Reet and I was sitting and talking about random things and looking into sky . She amazes me every time.

"Don't you feel that your family has not supported you. I mean that's for what families are. "I said.

"Maybe that was the whole point of family—to make you feel less alone in a lonesome world. But, Sometimes, family got it wrong; sometimes, they said and did the wrong things because they were, after all, only human. (she smiles) Yet then there were those moments when they were right on time with their sparks of love. Those moments are more important than the other one's. "she said and again started looking into sky.

"But don't you want their apology for hurting you? " I asked.

"You can apologize for punching someone, but it doesn’t stop the bruising" She stated and again looked at the sky.

"But you deserve more reet. You didn't deserved that. In your bookish way of words ,You deserve to be the chorus to a person’s favorite song. You deserve to be the dedication in their favorite book. You deserve the world, not the bad time's you have gotten through " I told her.

"Bad times aren't always bad varun.you can't be good every time. You don’t have to be good all the times. It’s okay to be hurt sometimes. It’s okay to feel lost like you’re wandering around in the dark. It’s the bad days that make the good ones so much better."she told me.

"But you know, you are like my golden "she said. "what is that? "I asked. " you don't know it.Everyone has a golden. It could be anything-a song, a book, a pet, a person. Anything that makes you so happy your insides cry of pure joy. It feels like you're on drugs but better because it's a natural high. Mine are books and you "she said.

I felt smile rose to my cheeks even before I could stop it.

From past day's I was asking myself, what she was to me? Why was I drawn so much to her? Now I think I know it. It was quite obvious what she was to me, it was so clear why I always wanted her near. She was simply the air I breathed. She was the oxygen for me. She was my golden, my only golden in this world.

P S I enjoy writing these little excerpts more. I hope you will enjoy them reading too.


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