(Artoria Pendragon (Saber) X Male Reader)

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P.O.V. Saber

I watched as the new recruits trained in the courtyards. I have to admit that each and every year more and more show up just so they can try to impress me.

Shame that none of them has what I'm looking for. Although there was one that caught my eye. (Y/N) he never had any interest in me. He actually seemed to be more concerned with the kingdom more than anything.

Although recently he's been acting a bit strange. He hasn't been smiling as much as he used to. I mean he was never any good at his training even a blind man could see that but he was always happy to be there at least.

However, the smile I had come to expect from him every day has faded away completely. I haven't seen him smile for at least two weeks.

Which concerned me just a bit. So I had decided that tonight I would wait and go see him so I can find out what's bothering him. As I walked to the camp I saw something rather strange.

(Y/N)'s horse (Horses name) wasn't at the stable. I knew (Y/N)'s horse by sight. Not only was it one of the most beautiful horses I had seen but it was also more docile than the others.

Which concerned me just a bit that it wasn't there. When I got to the tent I saw (Y/N) on his horse and a pack on his back. When I saw this I ran towards him and pulled him off.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at him.

"What's it look like? I'm leaving." He said picking his stuff up off the ground.

"What why?" I asked looking at him in disbelief. He may not have been the best but he was always the most persistent.

"Because the others are right. I don't belong here." He said looking at me. I then remembered that every time (Y/N) messed up the rest would criticize him.

"Don't listen to them. You do belong here." I said looking at him.

"NO, I don't." He said looking at me. "They're right okay. I suck I'm ranked bottom in every field there is. I doubt that I can even hold my own against a child with a dagger." He said looking at his horse.

"Look you may be the worst there is-" this didn't seem to help him because he put his head down when I said this. "-but you are more dedicated to this kingdom than any of the others." I finished looking at him.

"Even so I still don't belong here. I can't protect anyone. I'd just be a human shield for the enemies to run over." He said looking at me.
I then looked down at the ground and thought for a moment. "What if there was some kind of reward for staying?" I asked looking at him.

"It'd have to be some reward to keep me around." He said trying his stuff onto his horse.

"How about a date?" I asked which caused him to stop and look at me.

"Come again?" He asked looking at me.

"If you stay and manage to become a royal guard I'll go on a date with you," I said looking at him.

He then sighed and looked at me. "How do I know you're not just saying this just to keep me here longer?" He asked looking at me. I could tell I was close to keeping him here but I needed something extra just a little bit more incentive to keep him here.

I then got close to him causing him to blush a deep crimson colour. I wasn't sure but I think I could feel my own face heat up as well. I then placed a gentle kiss on his lips and separated from him.

He looked at me a bit shocked then sighed. "Alright I'll stay but I'm holding you to that date." He said looking at me. I smiled and nodded then walked away.

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