(Garry X Reader) Questions

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Fourth graders came and went, speeding off to their mothers and fathers as they tossed their backpacks away like damaged toys. The school day was over and the students couldn't have been happier over it. You would be too, but as their teacher you still had the job of keeping the children safe and in order.

"James, wait! Your mother isn't inside the classroom yet! No, Megan please calm down! Nicholas! Put that sticky tack down!"

Bouncing from one child to the next, you made sure they listened to your heeds. With a reply of "Yes Miss (L/N)." and a nod, they halted their behaviors and patiently waited for their parents to retrieve them. Even if this part of the day proved to be the most stressful, you didn't mind. You loved the children, and they certainly grew to respect you as an authority figure and a teacher. When it came to being quiet so you could teach or leading the children to their special of the day, they seemed to hold you as their favorite teacher within the fourth grade. Soon, the parents and children defected from your classroom back into the outside world. Well, all the children except one that was.

Ib was probably one of your most unique students, name included and all. However, she was definitely one of your favorites to teach and ultimately spend time with. She responded well to lessons, even if you had to tie a few loose ends for the nine year old. Once she learned something, she knew it. She was also avidly kind, always ready to help another student to the best of her ability. This was a trait you valued highly and it brought a smile to your face every time you caught her explaining to a classmate something he or she hadn't quite grasped through your lesson.

Even if she was dubbed as a helpful student, Ib was naïve and very quiet. The poor girl was oblivious as to why some boys would tease her at recess; chasing her all around. But instead of crying over these events, she remained stoic, firm with a look of indifference before evading any advancements.

"Miss (L/N)?" She would whisper to you while the class independently worked.

"Yes, Ib? Something wrong?" Ib would pause for a moment, as if lost in thought before replying. "Why do the boys at recess follow me? Did I do something wrong?"

Frowning, you'd immediately shake your head. "Of course not, darling. They do that because they're too afraid to tell you what's on their mind." You would explain before gently tapping at her forehead, making her laugh.

"But," You would continue, an earnest expression washing over your face. "If they bother you, tell me. I will deal with it for you."

Ib would then nod before giving you a small smile. "Okay, Miss (L/N)."

You wondered why Ib was still here and why no one had come to bring her home from school. The thought of her family forgetting to get her worried you but you immediately consoled yourself. Don't think like that, (Y/N). Someone has to come get her! You moved to the desk Ib sat at, taking a seat next to her. She was doodling on a piece of computer paper, crayons in hand and her eyes fixated on the colorful page in front of you. After a moment, she noticed your presence and turned to you, beaming.

"Miss (L/N)!" She cheered, smiling at you as she put the scarlet crayon down on the table.  "Do you like my drawing so far?" Ib then lifted the sheet of paper off the table so it faced you, splashes of red and green presented to your face. After a second of inspection, you realized it was a picture of a rose; petals, thorns, and all.

"Ib, it looks beautiful!" You replied, scooting in next to her. "But you know what this is missing?" The young girl immediately shook her head at your question. Asking for permission, you took the paper from the girl before grabbing a crayon yourself. Quickly, you sketched out Ib on the paper, carefully holding the rose she drew, fully aware of the thorns. The picture wasn't artistically refined, but it was clear enough what your intentions were.

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