(Wodahs X Reader) I'll Wait

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The head angel watched as a young girl with (E/C) eyes and (H/L), (H/C) ran around the garden happily. Full of innocence, the little angel played around with Ater and Arbus, the twin demons in their cat forms. The male's lips twitched upwards as he watched you laughing, full of happiness. He loved that you were so full of smiles, so full of kindness and compassion.


...Just like how your old self was...before you died.

◆ ◆ ◆

You clutched your deadly mace tightly as you and all of Etihw's subordinates were heading towards the border for the final battle. It seems the black devil had finally broken free of his underground prison, and now, he's more violent than ever. Only you, Wodahs, Grora, Sherbet, Rigatona, Ciel and a few more angels were left. Same with Kcalb's army.

Taking a step closer to Wodahs, you whispered "Wodahs...are you sure...you want to fight your own brother? You can still back down. Etihw understands your situation..."

However, the head angel shook his head "No. I'm loyal to Etihw and all the angels. If I must kill my brother, then so be it."

You frowned and looked at the ground hearing his response "But..."

The gray haired male sighed and patted your head.

"It's alright (Y/N). Don't worry. It's my duty as the head angel. It's time we stop this war."

You nodded silently and continued forward. Etihw glanced at you with stoic eyes before facing forward, head held up high as Kcalb's army went into view.

The devil narrowed his eyes at your God, his white orbs containing anger and malice. His loyal subordinates stood by his side. Yosaflame, Cranber, Lost, Ater, and Arbus.

"So, you finally broke out of your prison." The black haired God exclaimed.

The devil growled in anger, his eyes completely turning black.

"You'll pay for what you did Etihw...this time...I will kill you once and for all!!!" The demons brought out their weapons and bared their fangs.

"Is that right?" Etihw retorted.

At the same time, the angels readied their weapons and some flew high into the air, preparing their bow and arrows. You, Wodahs, and Grora stood in the front lines, the latter leading the aerial troops.

"All of you attack!!!"

At the sound of the command, all the angels and demons charged, neither fearing death. Rigatona against Cranber. Sherbet against Yosaflame. Ciel against Lost. Wodahs clashed with Arbus, you with Ater. And finally, the God vs. the Devil themselves. With a flick of her wrist, Grora and her troupes sent arrows raining down on Kcalb's army. Many were once again losing their lives in this blood bath.

Your mace made contact with Ater's trident. Glaring at the cat demon, you jumped back and sent a spell.

"White Pillar!!!"

A ray of glowing white light pierced the air and went straight towards Ater, sending the demon flying. Before she hit the ground, the demon girl regained her balance and landed straight up on the rocky ground before jumping high into the air, trident aimed at you once again.

The only sound that was heard was the clashing of metal and exchange of spells. More bodies littered the floor as the battle raged on.

You wiped the blood off of your chin as you were finally able to bring down Ater. Before she can get up once more, you brought your mace up and prepared to strike the finishing blow.

That is, until you felt something bind you, making you immobile. Your widened eyes and looked at the demon in front of you. She casted a spell, without you knowing.

Taking the chance, Ater stabbed her black trident right through your abdomen. Blood came out of your mouth as the weapon was thrust through you.

Your companions gazed at your fallen form. Their eyes containing anger, sorrow, and despair. Wodahs quickly made his way over to you, his hands trembling as he hugged you. Death had already claimed you before you even made contact with the ground below. Your eyes were now hollow and lifeless.

The head angel's scream pierced the air, tears threatening to fall from his gray orbs.

◆ ◆ ◆

When you reincarnated, the gray haired male was overjoyed(even if he didn't show it). Your current self may not remember your past memories, but at least your pure heart and soul were still there. And that was all he needed.

A tap on his shoulder snapped the male out of his thoughts as he looked at the little angel before him. The said girl had her hands behind her back and was grinning cutely at him.

"What is it (Y/N)?" The male asked.

"Here Wodahs!" The angel placed a flower crown on top of the male's head, the latter having a slightly surprised look. Touching the crown on top of his head, the corner of his lips twitched upward as he softly patted the young girl's (H/C)hair.

A few moments of silence passed until the (E/C) eyed angel decided to break it.

"Hey Wodahs?"


The said male raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

"I wanna marry you when I grow up!"


"I...might just be a little kid now, and I probably dunno much but...I wanna be together with you forever! So...will you wait until I grow up?" The young angel asked expectantly. Silently, the head angel brought your little form into his arms and hugged you tightly.

"...Yes. I'll wait...no matter how long it takes..."

---Extended Ending---

A beautiful angel with (H/L), (H/C) hair and gentle (E/C) eyes sat in the middle of a blooming garden, picking out the prettiest of flowers. A soft tune came out of her soft lips as she made a flower crown. Her hair gently flowing with the breeze. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and her smile grew as the person behind her placed a diamond ring on her finger.

"You kept your promise after all..." The girl said happily.

The head angel smiled and rested his chin on top of her head. "I told you didn't I? I'll always wait for you."


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