(Minato Arisato X Reader)

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It was a simple trip to Kyoto. It was a fun trip, it was great to see the class enjoying themselves! (Y/N) was enjoying herself too, but she was waiting to get to the closing stop on their trip.

An open-air hot springs bath. She had never tried one before and she was so excited! She glanced at the clock on the wall and the time they were allowed to go in and groaned. It was still the guys' turn. She looked back at the girls, Yukari was playing ping-pong with Fuuka, though Fuuka kept flinching when the ball got close to her.

"Is something the matter, (Y/N)?" Aigis was staring at her with startlingly intent eyes.

"Yeah, you've been fidgety since we got here. Is something up?" Yukari stopped their game and turned towards the abashed girl in question.

She downcast her eyes. To say she was so excited over a bath would be embarrassing. "Um...well..."

"Maybe she's lonely without Arisato?" Fuuka chimed in, gratefully setting down her paddle and moving next to (Y/N) to pat her shoulders. A collective sound went through the girls, they seemed to accept that as the reason for their friend's odd behaviour.

"Do not worry. He is only in the bath and will return soon." Soon all of (Y/N)'s friends had her squished in a group hug.

"Well then, you'll be happy to know that it's our time in the bath now." Mitsuru leaned on the frame of the entrance with a smile on her face. "Shall we?"

With another collective sound, the girls wandered into the change rooms and stripped down. (Y/N) tried not to stare at Mitsuru as they did.

"Wow!" (Y/N) looked around in awe, the hot springs look to be the size of a pool! "This is going to feel wonderful!"

Yukari began to act paranoid when they heard a splash, so of course, the leader's girlfriend had to protect her as they searched through the steam. "So is there really no one here...?"

Then a sound came. A poor attempt at a cat. It was one she knew well. Minato had liked to do impressions of animals, and his favourite, even though he wasn't too good at it, was a cat. The (H/C) girl sloshed through the water, her eye twitching as she followed the sound. Yukari refused to follow and began searching in another area.

Soon (Y/N) found the boys, Akihiko and Minato both looking ashamed of what they were caught doing.

"Minato..." He stared down at the water, his face beginning to flush deeply. He lifted his hand and pointed at the two boys bobbing in the water. She sighed, and slapped her boyfriend, making him wince. "Get out of here."

Later the boys met up for supper, all mumbling about what happened. "She let us go?! That so amazing-- mhph!"

Junpei slapped his hand over Ryoji's mouth and looked around in a panic. "Shut up, you idiot! Do you want her kindness to be useless?!"

Minato chuckled quietly and looked over to where the girls were. To his surprise, his saviour was not among them. He looked around curiously, but then he heard someone plop next to him. He smiled and shifted, allowing his girlfriend to lay across his lap. "Hello."

"Hey, lazy bones. Did you fall asleep in the bath?" Her hands wound up around the quiet boy's neck, pulling him down to her level.

"If I said yes would you give me mouth-to-mouth?" She blushed slightly, giving him a soft kiss.

"Stop reading Akihiko-senpai's magazines."

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