(Karma Akabane X Reader) Pt.2 That Damn Smile

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Being in the same class as Karma isn't easy. Especially because you soon discovered that he was kind of tsundere, and was always teasing you and trying to embarrass you. Of course, you did the same to him, and everybody was starting to ship you two.

You didn't really mind. Karma was definitely just as in love with you as you were with him. Which was surprising, as he was probably the most attractive guy you've ever met in your life, and you were, well, not the greatest in the face department. Or the body department. Or the "physical appearance" department in general. But oh well. It had been a week since you'd fought in middle in the classroom. Since you'd kissed. Since you'd become inseparable best friends for life.

Currently, you were sneaking up behind him and Nagisa, and they had no idea you were coming. You caught up to them and quickly kicked Karma's legs from under him, watching him topple to the ground and cackling evilly.

"(Y/N)-Chan!" He yelled, spinning around and sweeping your legs from under you as well. But to your surprise, he caught you, holding you bridal-style. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate this." He told you, smirking, and began to walk away, to nowhere in particular. Nagisa just stood there, slightly startled but by no means surprised, and shrugged, continuing to walk alone.

You felt kind of bad, but of course, you didn't really. Karma was yours now. You started hitting him, trying to make him let you go, which was, of course, the last thing you wanted him to do.

"Karma-kunnn" you stretched out each vowel, "Let me down!" You continued punching at his chest, but he didn't seem to care very much.
"Of course not,(Y/N)-chan." He responded, deadpan. He then smiled once more. "Why would I let you go when-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, as you cut him off by kissing him square on the mouth. He dropped you in shock and you twisted around like a cat, landing gracefully on the ground without detaching yourself from him.

You then broke the kiss, having ensured your likelihood of staying with your feet on the ground. You gave him a faint smile, just like the one he was so often wearing. "Almost zero effort, for perfect results!" You commented as he stood there, blushing. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who was used to being advanced on in such a way. He was such a flirt, he was most likely always the one to make a move.
"Let's...try that again." He said, recovering his cool.

And so you did, many, many more times. In Class E, life was pretty darn good. That intoxicating smile of his wasn't so hard to master after all. You just had to have someone to smile at.

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