(Ciel Phantomhive X Reader) Sweet Game

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As you entered Ciel's study, the earl didn't even look up from his package. He turned it over in his hands several times and narrowed his visible eye. Whatever it was, it was either dangerous or highly valuable. Possibly both.

"You said there was a package for me?" You tried to keep the excitement out of your voice as Ciel grabbed a rather sharp looking letter opener from his desk drawer and began cutting the ropes surrounding the small box that he was holding. He nodded towards a smaller package that was lying over to the side.

"There it is." He said uninterestedly. You allowed a small smirk to grace your features as you scooped the package into your hands.

"Letter opener?" You asked, curling your fingers expectantly. Ciel tossed it in your general direction, his eyes still glued to the package that he had received. Your hands fumbled with it for a few seconds before you finally managed to grip the hilt. You rolled your eyes. "Gee...thanks."

The sound of paper tearing didn't even distract Ciel from his all-important package. He opened it, ever so carefully, and peered inside. As he did so, his brows furrowed. He slammed his fist down onto the polished oak desk, making you jump. "Sebastian! Call the shipping company! The artifact is broken!"

You tilted your head and screwed your lips into a humorless grin. "Must have been something important."

Ciel ran his fingers through his blue-black hair and sighed. "Try expensive."

After a moment of silence, there was a slight popping sound. The scent of chocolate and biscuits filled the air. Ciel glanced at you, for the first time since you had entered the room, and arched an eyebrow questioningly.

"I have something that might cheer you up~," you smiled innocently at the earl, who gave you a skeptical look.

"I highly doubt that, but go on."

"Let's play a game." You popped up a slender stick from the rectangular box. It looked like a hard biscuit covered in chocolate. Ciel propped his head against his knuckles and let his shoulders slump.

"Honestly,(Y/N), I—"

"It combines two of your favorite things! Sweets and a challenge!" You interrupted. Your smirk reappeared. "Unless you're too scared..."

Ciel lifted his head and laced his fingers together. His lips curled upward slightly. "Alright. I accept your challenge. What are the rules to this...'game'?"

"It's simple." You shrugged and took the candy-stick between your fingers. "This candy is called pocky. I had it imported, partly because it's good at tea time, and partly because it's wonderful for playing a game called 'Chicken'."

"Chicken?" Ciel echoed flatly. You arched an eyebrow.

"Yes. Chicken. Now, the objective is to claim the last piece of the stick. If you pull away, though, you lose. Got it?"

"Pull away? Surely, you don't mean—" Ciel stopped as you placed one end of the pocky stick between your teeth and glanced up at him from beneath your thick lashes. A crimson blush blossomed across his pale cheeks.

"Go on. Bite down on the other side," you spoke through clenched teeth. Ciel crossed his arms over his chest and jerked his chin upward.

"I refuse to play such a childish—" Ciel swallowed nervously as you took a step closer and leaned across his desk. Your fingers curled around the edge slowly. With languid eyes, you uttered the word,


One of Ciel's brows twitched as he bit down, hesitantly, on the opposite end of the pocky stick. Your (E/C) eyes seemed to bore into his sapphire one as he tried to stare you down.

After the clock ticked sixty times, meaning a full minute had passed, you began eating your way to the center of the stick. Ciel, not wanting to be beaten (especially by you), copied your actions. There was only a slight hesitation as you reached the center. Ciel's face all the way down to his neck was deep scarlet as your eyes darted from the last piece of candy to his face. Before he could pull away, you leaned forwards and slid your lips over the last piece, pressing them against his in the process.

Ciel didn't move. He was as stiff as a board as your lips molded to his. He felt them curl into a small smirk before you pulled back and swallowed the candy in your mouth. "I win~."

All Ciel did was stare at you. His expression was unreadable, but his face was still covered in red. Finally, you reached out and poked his shoulder. "H-Hey...you okay?"

No response. Ciel's lips pressed into a tight line, as if he was thinking hard on something. His sapphire eye stared at you intently. You laughed nervously. "Sweet game, right?"

You let out a slight squeak as Ciel reached out and snatched the box from your hand. In one swift move, he popped out one of the pocky sticks and placed it between his teeth. You opened your mouth, then closed it.

"I will not be outdone," he stated simply. A light pink color still dusted his cheeks. You grinned smugly and lighted your teeth on the other end of the stick.

"Neither will I. Looks like we might be playing for a while..."

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