(Ranpo Edogawa X Reader) It's Cold Outside

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You were supposed to have left an hour and a half ago, but for some reason you just couldn't make yourself leave. You glanced over at your phone as the screen lit up for the millionth time, it was another text from Kunikida asking when you were going to get home. "I should probably get going before he has a stroke." You laugh as you stand up from the couch. Ranpo shoots up quickly, making you flinch slightly. "Everything alright Ranpo-kun?" He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, the floor now appearing to be the most interesting thing in the room to him.

"Do you really have to leave? The storms gotten pretty bad." You look out the window and cursed under your breath when you saw that he was right. You no longer saw the few flurries falling from the sky that were there when you arrived. The snow outside now was coming own in large clumps and it was building up fast. "If you want you could just stay here tonight and go home tomorrow." You couldn't help but blush at his offer. Being snowed in the entire night at your secret crush's apartment? Perfect. The wrath you would receive from your brother when you got home in the morning? Terrifying.

"I need to get home." You say sadly, turning to look at him. His eyes switched nervously between you and the window. In a bold attempt you reached out and took his hand gently in yours. "No matter how much I'd like to stay you know that Kunikida will go on a rampage if I don't get back soon." You let your hand fall out of his and take it's place back at your side before adverting your eyes to anywhere else in the room besides him. He took a step closer to you and took your hands in his, he was close enough to you now where you were forced to look at him.

"I could take care of him in the morning if you want." He says pushing some stray hair behind your ear, you could feel your face turn fifty shades of red. "Please just stay." He whispers. You quickly rip yourself away from him before you did something you would regret. A flustered blushing mess you made your way over to the coat rack. Quickly you shrugged on your coat, stepped into your boots, and pulled on your hat. Upon opening the door you realized there was already a solid two feet of snow on the ground and it was still coming down at a steady rate, there was no way you could drive home in this and it was too far for you to walk. You shut the door before stripping out of your hat, coat, and boots and crashing down on the couch again.

"Do you want to call him or am I going to have to do it?" Ranpo pulls his phone out of his pocket, smiles at you, and then heads into the kitchen so he could call your brother for you. You sigh, letting your head fall back on the cushion. Moments later Ranpo walked back into the room with an apologetic look on his face before handing you the phone. You groaned. "Yes dearest brother of mine?"

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?! I leave for twenty minutes to go get Dazai so he could stay here tonight and when I get back you've run away to Ranpo's house!" You had to hold the phone away from your ear so you wouldn't go deaf, you knew this argument wouldn't be over anytime soon.

"Kunikida calm down-"

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? (Y/N) you're going to be staying the night at a man's house alone. Not to mention that Ranpo is extremely attr-"

"Alright!" Ranpo exclaims as he snatches the phone from your hand. "She's going to be safe here with me for the night Kunikida-san I'll make sure she gets home tomorrow at some point." He hangs up and shoves his cellphone in his pocket. "Are you thirsty?" He asks, his voice cracking slightly. You nodded and he practically sprinted into the kitchen. You jumped as your phone vibrated in your pocket. 'So you're at Ranpo-kun's house hmm?' It was Dazai. 'Yeah, talk about a stroke of luck huh?' You say smiling down at your screen. Dazai had been one of your best friends since you started working at the agency and he was the one person that you told everything. 'Do you think you're finally going to tell him tonight. I mean it's been almost two years (Y/N) you're going to have to confess sooner or later.' You knew he was right, he was always right when it came to stuff like this. 'We'll see how sleep deprived I get haha.' You say before setting your phone down on the table and going to make sure Ranpo wasn't setting fire to his kitchen. You walked in just in time to see him pouring hot chocolate into two mugs. He smiles at you as you make your way over to the counter. You pick up your mug off the counter. "Alright, so my house is your house. Anything you need just ask." You scuffed the toe of your shoe on the floor awkwardly.

"You wouldn't mind if I borrowed something of yours to sleep in would you?" He nodded before motioning for you to follow him. He lead you into his room and rummaging through his drawers. He handed you an oversized t-shirt before exiting the room and closing the door behind him. When you slipped it on it fell halfway down your thighs, it was kinda short for our liking but still cute, besides how much could you expect from him? You looked at yourself in the mirror, letting your hair tumble down out of your bun before walking back out into the living room. As soon as Ranpo's eyes landed on you he choked on his drink. You blushed at the fact that his stunning green eyes never looked away from you. You sat on the opposite side of the couch from him while he stopped his choking. When he was finally breathing normal again he looked over at you.

"Are you cold? You look cold." He says rather nervously.

"Yeah I guess I'm a little chilly." He grabs the blanket off the back of the couch before hesitantly sliding over to you, wrapping you both up in the blanket before letting his arm drape over your shoulders. You snuggled into Ranpo's side, letting your head rest in the crook of his neck so he wouldn't notice the fact that you were blushing. He cleared his throat before slowly moving his arm down to encircle your waist. Your heart was pounding in your chest at this point, you had almost never hand any physical contact with Ranpo, the most that has ever happened was he hugged you and that only happened twice. Now you were snowed in at his house cuddling with him under a blanket on his couch. The only problem with this was that it was painfully silent. That was until you saw the beacon of hope that was the remote. You snatched it off the table and turned on the cheesiest romantic comedy you could find before laying down on the couch and pulling Ranpo down with you. He pulled you against him, his body matching up perfectly with yours. You absentmindedly began playing with his hands and in the midst of your distraction he swiftly kissed your neck, causing you to let out a startled squeak.

"Sorry I-uh, I just had the urge to do that." It wasn't until this moment that you remembered something Dazai had told you about Ranpo. 'He's never had a girlfriend before... plus he's just bad with women in general so he probably likes you and just doesn't know how to act on it.' You rolled over so you were now facing him, you ran one of your hands over his chest causing him to blush and look away.

"Is there anything else you have the urge to do?" You ask in an innocent voice. You could hear him swallow, it was pretty cute how nervous he was. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day the great detective Ranpo was speechless." You say with a small laugh.

"I-I um... I just don't want to screw this up. I knew there was something different about you from the first time I met you, it was something I really can't explain. Whenever you walk in a room it's like I can't breath but at the same time it's like you're a burst of fresh air in my lungs. I can't think straight because I'm so focused on you. When you're with me nobody else matters because you're the only thing I want to look at and to think about. Everything you do is beautiful, everything you do is right and I just want to be a part of that." You were left sitting there in a stunned silence. You lifted one of your hands, which were resting comfortably on Ranpo's chest and ran it through his soft black hair. You gave him a patient smile which appeared to calm his nerves slightly. He leaned forward slightly so his forehead was now resting on yours. Between the warmth of the two of you lying together, the quiet background noise from the TV, and the time of night it was caused you to become increasingly tired to the point where you couldn't suppress a yawn from leaving you. A smile came to Ranpo's lips. "Come on beautiful, let's get to bed." You groggily get up off the couch, Ranpo following not far behind before sweeping you up in his arms which caused you to laugh as he carried you to the bedroom. Both of you laying in silence in the dark room you had never felt more content than you did in that moment.

"Ranpo?" You ask quietly. He lets out a low hum as a response. "I love you." You hear his breath catch in his throat followed by the shifting of the blankets as he found his way over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him and he just held you for a few minutes. You felt a gentle hand make its way to your face, turning it slightly as a pair of warm lips found their way to yours. At first things were a bit awkward, you could tell that he had no idea what he should be doing. You rolled over so you were now on top of him, Ranpo reached up and tangled one of his hands into your hair while the other rested comfortably on your lower back, keeping your pinned to him. You parted your lips, him copying your motions, as you began to kiss at a slow even pace. The kiss was sweet and warm, and eventually the awkwardness just melted away. You pulled back, both you and Ranpo stared lovingly into each others eyes in your currently breathless state.

"I want you to be mine and mine only... I love you too (Y/N)." He says before pressing his lips to yours again. After that you both just held each other until you drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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