Part 8

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"It's good to see you too" he laughed.

"How did you get out?" he asked.

Danny looked around examining what she could do to attack.

"Tom let me out" she blurted out. He smirked probably knowing she was lying.

Danny swung her leg around to swoop him to the floor but he stopped her.

"I'm not that stupid" he laughed.

Danny gave up as he took her hand and helped her stand again.

Suddenly he pushed her against the wall, unable to move.

"Don't ever try do that again" he growled against her cheek. He looked back into her eyes and kissed her forcefully. She immediately pulled away in shock.

"What makes you think you can just do that?" she spat pushing him off her.

"Come on Dan, I thought you were my girlfriend" he smirked.

"Well... boyfriends don't kidnap their girlfriends do they?" she snapped back.

"Come on Dan" he said taking her hand.

"Fuck off" she said pulling away.

"Don't you remember how much fun we had before?" he asked.

"Yeah, you were different then" she replied looking down.

"I'm still here" he said holding her cheek.

"Are you gunna kill me?" she asked as her eyes watered.

"Not yet" he smirked.

Suddenly she kicked him where it hurts making him drop to his knees. She grabbed the gun from his jeans.

"Tips for getting girls to like you.... don't kidnap an ex gang member and don't have sex with her then say you're going to kill her" she said loading it.

"Dan please don't" he whined in pain.

"If I ever see you again, I swear I will kill you" she scowled before kicking him again.

She raced out of the house and wired Nathan's car before speeding away. She got back to her home town and headed back to the familiar forest she had been in before.

She got the keys and raced down to a small cabin by a lake. It was her back up house. No one could find her here.

She got in and happily sighed before searching through drawers in the kitchen.

"Fuck!" she cursed. There was no money. All the money her and her mum had stashed was gone.

She ran back out the door annoyed at her discoverings. She drove to her old fathers house. She looked in the mirror, messing up her hair before getting out of the car and limping up the drive. She banged on the door.

Her father answered shocked at her presence.

"Daddy" she whined. He grinned before pulling her inside.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She found his behaviour weird. He wanted to use her as a sex slave for his men and now he's acting like he's never done anything wrong.

He took her to his office before she noticed a metal case on the table. Her father handed her a cup of tea before sitting down.

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's the money I was going to pay Nathan" he replied.

"Thanks" Danny grinned picking up the bag as she pulled out her gun.

Her father raised his hands in defeat and gave her a shocked look.

"Come on dad you didn't think if just forget everything you taught me?" she laughed backing towards the door.

"Don't even try finding me" she added before heading towards the door.


Nathan groaned in pain in the floor.

"Tom!" he called out.


He wasn't answering.

"Max!" he yelled.

"Whhaaatttt?!" Max moaned while walking into the hall.

His expression turned the minute he saw his best friend lying on the floor.

"Mate what happened?" he asked helping him up.

"She kicked me and ran away" Nathan replied.

"But, what about the money?" Max asked.

"We're going to get it.... now" he said before limping to the car.

Max released Tom for Danny's room before they piled in.

As they approached the house they saw the lights were on.

"Okay, Tom and Max go in first, Seev you stick with me" Nathan commanded before they nodded.

"What if his men are at the door?" Tom asked.

"It's Sunday they're off" Nathan replied.

"Bring the guns but don't shoot him, he's mine"

Nathan and Siva watched as Tom and Max banged down the door. Nathan smiled before seeing a familiar face in the kitchen. Danny.

She was with her father but suddenly pulled a gun on him and took a bag. He couldn't tell what they were saying but he immediately felt bad. He knew he liked her, even though she hurt him it's now something they have in common.

He saw as she exited to the door and Tom and Max held their guns to it.

"Danny no!" Nathan screamed.


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