Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The light shone on my face as it seeped through the blinds and I slowly got up and stretched. After yawning I got out of bed and walked downstairs for something to eat. When I walked into the kitchen I noticed a letter on the fridge.

Dear Katie,

I went to pick up some groceries with your sister, we will be back in the afternoon. Xoxo


I sighed after reading it, I guess I'm home alone.

I went back upstairs after searching for something to eat since there wasn't anything appealing to me. On my way up I passed by a picture of my best friend and I, in the photo I was hugging him and we were both laughing. His name was Alex and we did everything together. I have known him all my life since our moms are best friends so he is like a brother to me. I smiled as I stared at the picture for a bit.

Finally, I walked to my room and after having a debate on what to do, I decided that I was going to walk down to the corner store since it wasn't too far. I grab a towel and my clothes and took a quick shower. After changing into a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. I brushed my hair and took a look in the mirror.

I had long brown hair and hazel eyes which I got from my dad, I looked nothing like my mom and sister since they both had blonde hair and blue eyes. Sadly my dad passed away one year ago in a car accident so it was just us three now. My sister was twenty and she was older than me by two years as I would be eighteen in three months.

I went downstairs and put on my combat boots, my black jacket and a hat. I opened the door and quickly closed it because it was freezing out there. Maybe I shouldn't go, I thought but quickly shook that thought away and decided to just go. I opened the door again and closed it. I walked down the driveway and began walking down the street. After about five minutes I was there and I went inside quickly to get away from the cold wind.

"Hi, Mr.Ed." I said as I walked past the cashier. He was an older man in his sixties and was a close family friend, he was almost like a Grandpa to me. He has always been there for me after my dad passed away. I walked to the back of the store where the drinks and snacks were and decided on what I should get.

Suddenly I heard tires screeching and four men ran inside holding guns. I was in complete shock but I shook it off and quickly ran in between the drink machines and tried not to make any noise. I tried to make out what they were saying but it was hard since they were far away but I was able to hear when they started yelling.

"Just give us your money!"
Someone yelled.

"Fine, fine take it" Mr.Ed said calmly but his voice was a little shaky.

Suddenly I heard a gunshot and I froze. I peeked out a little and instantly regretted it, on the Ground, I saw Ed lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

Tears streamed down my face and I tried to contain myself. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I silently cursed under my breath and fumbled to shut it off but it fell to the ground with a loud clatter and I prayed that they didn't hear it. I heard footsteps getting closer and someone started kicking the drink machines one by one.

" I know you're here so come out and you won't get hurt." I heard someone say. I closed my eyes and prayed he would pass me.

Before I could do anything I was yanked out by a man in his twenties with spiked jet black hair and brown eyes filled with hate. I began to thrash around but he held a gun to my head, I immediately stopped because the memories of him killing Mr.Ed came swarming in. I realized I was still holding my drink but before I could hit him with it he knocked it out of my hand.

"Get away from me." I whispered but it was enough for him to hear because he mumbled a shut up.

"Dude hurry the cops are here, just leave her!" A guy by the door said.

"She will tell them what we look like" someone else said. I started to panic. They are going to kill me. I heard police sirens and I was so glad that I had hope left and I was going to live.

I turned and kneed the guy in the stomach then kicked him. He doubled over in pain and I made a run for it but before I knew it something hit me in the head and everything went black.


  When I woke up, I was sitting on the floor in the back of a van. I let out a loud sigh because it wasn't a dream and I had actually been kidnapped. I looked up and I noticed everyone staring at me except the guy who was driving. I recognized him as the man who I had kicked and I smirked at the thought of it but the smirk quickly faded when he gave me a death glare in the rear-view mirror.

"What's your name?" A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes asked. I ignored him and just stared at the floor. "I'm ash" he said calmly but I didn't look up. You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to act like nothing happened, it doesn't work like that.

They didn't bound my hands but even if I tried to do anything I was outnumbered so I didn't stand a chance.

The guys started talking about random stuff and I listened in. I learned that the guy I kicked was Colton. A guy in the passenger seat with messy black hair and blue eyes was named Jake. The man on my right was Joseph and he had short brown hair and emerald green eyes. The last guy on my left was Peter and he had blonde hair that came a little past his ears and hazel brown eyes.

"Can you let me go I didn't even do anything." I said, I knew that they weren't going to just let me go but it was worth a shot at asking.

"Well, sweetheart unless your family is willing to pay what we are asking for then you will be with us for a while." Joseph said and smirked at me. He was sitting really close to me so I scooted over a bit but he moved closer. I kept thinking about my family and how much I missed them and I know Alex will be devastated, I hope he comes to look for me.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled to Joseph.

"Leave me alone" he mocked in a high pitched voice and everyone erupted in laughter except for Colton.  I rolled my eyes as I realized how childish they are.

"You never told us your name." Ash finally asked after everyone calmed down.

"And I never will." I stated. " Look you guys have done nothing to hurt me yet so if you just let me-" I started to say but someone cut me off.

"Listen sweetheart get this idea of us letting you go out of your pretty little head. You're stuck with us for now so keep those lips shut before I shut them for you." Joseph said as he picked up duct tape and twirled it around his finger.

"Don't call me that. I have a name and its Katie" I said without realizing how dumb that was. Don't let them bother you, I kept thinking.

"Oh the big girl has a name but I still like sweetheart better." Joseph said and without thinking I punched him in the nose and his head jerked back for a second. Suddenly he jumped on top of me and slapped me. I look at his eyes and they were full of rage.

"Listen I'm in charge now so don't you ever do that again!" He yelled but I just spat in his face and he punched me, my vision blurred and I saw some of the guys pulling Joseph off of me.


I woke up and expected everything that had happened to be a dream but instead I was in a basement. The walls and floors were concrete and I was tied to a chair. I realized I wasn't wearing my coat or boots and I looked around frantically for them but didn't find them. I tried to scream for help but it was no use since I had duct tape on.

I looked over to my right and realized Colton was sitting there. Why of all guys did it have to be him I thought and he stood up and smirked at me.

"Finally, You're awake." He said but I completely ignored him. Why is this happening to me? I just want to go home to my family I thought and tears started streaming down my face.

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