Chapter 25 - Battle of Cybertron

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"You're about to get a large headache." The Autobot teased. 

"Your weapon of choice is primiative, fool." Shockwave replied as he open fired. 

The blast struck the metal lance, turning it a bright shade of yellow and it melted right out of Brawn's hands. 

"Take the boy and the girl, and destroy the Autobots." Shockwave ordered. 

As Thundercracker began walking towards them, Bumblebee and Brawn stood in front of the two humans protectively. Just as Thundercracker was about to reach out to them, there was a huge explosion that knock away the four Decepticons. Once the smoke cleared, the rest of the Autobots that tagged along on the mission walked in.

"Can anyone join the party? Or do we need an invitation?" Skyfire asked. 

"Guys!" Vaughan exclaimed with a smile. 

"You will not interfere!" Shockwave yelled. 

Shockwave and the new Autobots fought back and fourth in a fire fight. Skyfire fired back, landing a shot at Shockwave's feet that made the Decepticon scientist fall back right into a computer console and explode. Smoke began to fill the air as Sparkplug and Vaughan took cover behind Wheeljack. 

"Are we glad to see you guys." Spike smiled.

"We figured you were getting lonsome." Wheeljack replied.

"A little bit." Vaughan shurgged with a tease.

"Wheeljack we need to go soon. Vaughan's ankle is in bad shape, if we don't get it treated it could end up looking pretty bad." Spike explained. 

"You guys go on a head, I'll catch up after I finish some house cleaning over here." Skyfire instructed. 

"Roger that." Wheeljack signalled a thumbs up as he transformed into his vehicle mode. "Hoop in you two."

"Right behind ya." said Trailbreaker as he transformed as well.

Spike carefully helped Vaughan in the passenger seat of Wheeljack's vehicle mode before running over to the drivers side and taking his seat. Wheeljack and Trailbreaker took off through the exit as Skyfire gave the two cover fire, holding off Shockwave. 

As they drove through the tunnel, Vaughan glanced back to see Skyfire flying right behind them followed by Shockwave's laser fire coming right at him. Skyfire turned, the laser flying right past him as it blew open the door at the end of the tunnel, blowing away Starscream who was guarding the door. 

The three Autobots cruised by as Bumblebee and Brawn caught up to them, riding across the face of Cybertron, the planet Earth could be seen just by looking up at the sky. 

"Wheeljack look out!" Spike screamed. 

Tournents were shooting at the group as they were crossing over a bridge. The Autobots all took evasive manuviers to avoid getting blown to bits. If things couldn't have gotten any more worse, it just did. Thundercracker and Skywarp could be seen flying through the skies, joining in on the fire fight.

"We got trouble in the sky!" yelled Wheeljack.

"That's my specialty." Skyfire took off, flying after the two Decepticons and firing back at them. The two got hit and went down to the ground as the ground forces went into another tunnel, but were soon trailed by two Decepticon cruisers. 

"We got watchdogs on our tail Wheeljack!" said Spike.

"Can you lose them?" Vaughan asked. 

"Yes we can, my workshop is just up a head." Wheeljack answered.

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