Missing Something

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I got home and went straight upstairs I was done with this day completely.

After a few hours I woke up. I think I dozed off while doing homework. It was dusk now I glanced at the clock and it read 6 oclock. My stomach started growling and I realized I had nothing to eat due to all of this Cassandra business. God that woman stays in my head. I got up and I heard some noise sounded muffled down the hall. It's probably my brother.

I headed downstairs.

" No. I don't even know the girl and I'm not going to ask her about her dad. I'm here for a reason so let me do my job and stop pestering me."

I stopped suddenly. That was Cassandra's voice. Who was she talking to? And job? Dad? It was all to confusing.

"She's sleeping upstairs don't ask me dumb questions Mike. I am here to do a job and stop calling me while I'm working you are going to blow my cover. " I heard a beep and it seemed like she tossed her phone.

Crap now what. My teacher my not be my teacher at all. Who is Mike? What did she want with my dad? Who is she? Should I confront her? Crap my heart. Not again and this is a terrible time. I tried not to make noise but I couldn't breath. I inevitably fell and saw black.

I woke up to a white ceiling knowing it was the hospital.

"Hey there! welcome back" I looked up and saw Cassandra pouring a cup of water. " Here you thirsty?" I sat up slowly. God I had a pounding headache. I took the water and sipped on it.

I couldn't remember how I even ended up in this place. Sometimes I forget things from the shock but they quickly come back. I just could not recall at the moment.

"You- what happened? " I asked confused.

She scanned me and had a weird expression I couldn't quite read it.
" You don't remember what happened?" she questioned.

" No not really " I shrugged. I couldn't help but think I was missing something.

" Oh- she trailed off Well you had an episode. I'm sorry I took you to the emergency room and the doctor thought I was your girlfriend and he filled me in." She chuckled.

Her laugh was the must beautiful sound I had ever heard.

" Did something happen to you when you where younger? She suddenly asked.

" Um no- I trailed off. I acted confused so she wouldn't pry.

She gave me a brief glance and didn't ask again. We sat in silence briefly.

" sorry about the doctor thing that must have been awkward." I laughed.

" Oh don't worry your brother set him straight" she chuckled.

Crap there was that laugh again. I could quickly become addicted to hearing that.

" He's here?" I asked.

" He came briefly and told me to look after you. Apparently he has some things to do. Your mom came as well and Nikki."

" Did Dad?"

" Um no. I haven't seen him." She must have noticed I had a sad look. " I haven't been here the whole time though don't take my word for it." She said as she put her hand on my arm and gave it a small squeeze.

" My brother is lucky." I blurted out.

"How so?" She smiled.

" Because you are beautiful and super kind." I blushed at admitting that to her. I'm pretty sure you saved my life too and It's weird that I can't recall what I had been doing. It happens sometimes but i usually regain my memory in time."

She had a weird expression which she quickly replaced with a smile.

" I'm flattered that you think I'm beautiful. Such a stunning young lady like you there's not comparison." She smiled.

" Kuddos to us for being stunning." I laughed.

She smiled and I was quickly becoming addicted to it. I needed her to smile and laugh all the time.

" Thank you." I said realizing I never properly thanked her for possibly saving my life.

" You don't need to thank me. You are basically family." She smiled.

I liked the thought of that but at the same time I had a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach. I decided to dismiss it.

We heard a knock and both looked up as my brother walked in through the door. " hey sis!" He beamed.

Cassandra had realized she had her hand on my arm still and suddenly scooted back into her chair. She was also leaning a lot closer than I though she was. The chair was pretty far back.

She glance at me and gave me a slight smile and got up.

" Hey baby." He said and leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. It was cute seeing my brother being affectionate I was happy for him.

" hey." She said with a smile. It was awkward watching them interact. I couldn't put my finger on why it was weird.

" Has my sister been treating you well?" He eyed me.

" What? I'm the one on the hospital bed." I exclaimed.

" She has actually." She smiled at me.

" Really? That's surprising she never likes anyone." He chuckled.

He's not totally wrong. I don't warm up to people and I already think everyone is suspect. It all ties into my younger trauma which no one really knew about other than Nikki and I plan to keep it that way. Regardless somehow Cassandra gives me the safe vibe. Kinda like family in a weird way.

" Well sis. I've got news for you and I'm glad you and Cassandra are getting along. I'm leaving for a few weeks so I need you to keep and eye on Cassandra I don't want any unwanted subjects trying to hit on her." He winked.

" Excuse me I can take care of myself." She shrugged while folding her arms in a pouty way. It was actually the most adorable thing.

" Sure you can baby." He smiled and winked at me.

" Don't worry bro I got you." I smirked

" Really? You too?" She pouted some more.

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