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I remember that guy talked about my dad. What did he mean he wasn't alone? Why had he tried to kill me? And who killed him? I needed to talk to my father and figure out what is going on. I was now out of the hospital and back home. I had a week worth of rest and I needed to get some answers from everyone including Cass. She was the next person I was going to talk to after dad.

I quickly became nervous. I had never openly tried talking to dad. We always had minimal discussions over dinner and such but I've never talked to him alone. I walked up to his studio where to guys in black and white suits stood by his door. Of course guards where all over and his studio was no exception.

" I need to speak to my father. Is he in?"

They looked at each other confused.

" Let her in." I heard a faint yell across the door.

I walked in the studio and there he was. Patrick Haze sitting on his officer chair. A grand desk surrounded him. He was probably a handsome man in his young days. Mom definitely thought so. I almost never saw him because he was always working. He looked old. Gray hair formed on his beard and hair. His face was still as hard as ever like his jaw line. My brother definitely looked a lot like him. He looked like he was in shape still but I could never tell because he always wore a suit. He was also hard to approach.

" Take a seat." He motioned.

It seemed like he had been expecting me.

" So I'm sure you have a lot of questions and I'm going to treat you like an adult. Your mother doesn't know anything that I'm about to tell you and she doesn't even know where you were at that night. As far as she knows you where at a friends. That's what I told her." He gave me an intimidating look that sent shivers down my spine.

"Dad don't." My brother said in a loud voice as he marched in. While his guard where holding him.

" Mark." He looked at my brother with such scary eyes that it even scared me.

"Leave before this gets ugly for you." He stated dryly.

" No! I'll help you with anything you want please I beg you don't bring her into this. She doesn't deserve it."

His guard suddenly punched his in the stomach. He winced in pain and knelt down.

" Dad Stop!" I shouted while tears escaped my eyes.

" Mark go." I stated. " it's okay. I need answers."

" Sis." He trailed off as he got up Holding his stomach.

" Dad I will hear you out just let him go." I told him with a straight face.

"Ok." He motioned the guards to let him go as Mark walked away.

" You are definitely just like your father." He grinned proudly. It was the creepy kind of grin.

" You must be asking why you almost got killed." He said suddenly dropping his smile. " Your dad is not in the straight business. I smuggle drugs, people and anything you can think of for major companies. That boy that almost killed you needed to die. He was acting under my enemy's direction and he dared try to put a hand on my daughter. Now I am sorry you had to go through that. Daddy loves you but you need to stop snooping around. Daddy will protect you as long as you are a good girl. Understand?

He said all of it in one breath without blinking. He just told me something fatally illegal like it was a normal thing for him. Suddenly I remembered. It was because of him that I got kidnapped. It was because of him that I was not normal. I felt furious rage consumes me and suddenly I jumped over the table and punched him right in the jaw. It definitely hurt me more than him as I struck a hard face feeling my middle finger crack against his jaw.

" You bastard." I shouted at the top of lunges. " It's because of you that I'm not normal. It's because of you that I can't sleep at night." I kept shouting at the top of my lunges till voice was hoarse.

His men came storming in.

He put his hand up signaling them to stand down.

He starred at me as blood trickled from his lip. He suddenly cracked a laugh.
" Don't be so naive. A job is a job and I give you a wealthy life. I don't hear you complaining from all this luxury. I saved your life I could have let you die twice."

" I'm gonna call the police and then make sure to tell mom what a sick bastard you are."

He suddenly lost his smile.

"You sure you want to risk that teacher or yours." He grinned.

I starred wide eyed. He knew what I felt for Cass. I tried to play it off.

" Who?" I said as sternly as I could.

" Oh common don't be naive I have been watching you. I'm not stupid." He growled.

" You monster." I was now standing as I slammed my hands down on his desk. I felt tears threatened to leave my eyes but I didn't let them.

" If you as much as hurt a hair on her hair I will kill you myself." I said calmly as I gave him a death stare.

He laughed. " You are really your fathers daughter aren't ya? We have a deal then. Mutual destruction." He sat back.


I stormed out as I felt my adrenaline flow through my veins. What the hell had just happened. I felt tears start to trickle. I wasn't scared but hurt. My dad was a terrible human and I failed to see it. He knew what I felt for Cass and I was scared that something might happen to her. I needed to stay away more now than ever. I could not let my dad get to her. I would not forgive myself. I loved her to much. Crap I just said that in my brain. Did I love her? I've been asking myself that for a while.

I stormed in my room. I didn't know what to do. I needed to figure out my next move. I needed to talk to my brother. He seemed to know what was going on. Mom was in the complete dark. Why was she so oblivious to the man she slept with every night. I felt disgusted to be related to such an evil human. I sobbed for hours knowing that I would not be able to be friends with Cass it I wanted her to be safe.

I heard a knock hours later. " Sis please open up."

I opened the door feeling guilty. I had put his girlfriend at risk with these feelings. I quickly hugged him tightly. I'm sorry I said over and over again as I sobbed into his shirt.

" Please don't be sorry. Is my fault. I should have protected you."

" I'm sorry." I heard him sob as well and we held on for a few minutes till we stopped crying.

" Mom can't know about him. It could destroy her. Her career." He said.

He was right. Mom was a well known surgeon. It would ruin her reputation and all she has worked for. It could also get Cass killed and I wasn't about to let that happen. I needed to stay strong and I needed to protect her.

I nodded.

" Let me worry about dad. Don't do anything. Just go to school and be normal." He Smiled slightly. " I've got this. I promise. Just give me time."

" Please be careful." I hugged him. " I love you."

" I love you too sis. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

"I know."

" Ouch what happened there? It's definitely broken."

" I punched dad right in the face."

He starred at me wide eyed. "We should get you to a doctor Mike Tyson." He joked.

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