Chapter 8: Leofide

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I've decided I'm going to ignore what Leo has just said. I'm still pretending to be asleep. Charlie and Leo are awake and they're talking and talking. I can't even check my phone for the time. I think I should wake up. I opened my eyes and Leo was sitting up and I was lying down so I get a lovely view of his arse. I sat up.

'Morning Cait' Charlie said going a long with the story of why I was 'asleep'.

'Did you sleep alright? Leo asked.

'Yes I did thanks'. I replied.

'What are we doing today?' Charlie asked.

'Well Charlie, we're going to

Endingbrough aren't we? so we need to stay in a hotel. Cait do you wanna come with us?' Leo asked.

'Sure, I'll just tell my mum'.

1 message to-Mum

'Hi mum, the boys are going to Edingbough and have invited me to go with them to stay in the hotel. It's only for a night. Can I go?x'

1 Message from-Mum

'Sure honey, just be carefull😘x'

'She said I can go'. I said in excitement.

'Great! so... What should we do now?' Charlie asked. I looked at Leo and picked up a pillow and hit him with it.

'Oh you little cow!' he said. We were soon having the biggest pillow fight ever. Charlie picked me up and flung me over his shoulder.

'CHARLIE PUT ME DOWN!!!' I shouted.

'Nope'. He laughed.

'Hmmm, do you wanna go in the pool or the bin?' he said.

'Don't you dare!'

'I won't I'm not that cruel!' he laughed. He still didn't put me down.

'Put me down now!' I said.

'Manners, miss evens your not very ladylike are you'. He joked.

'Ugh, Charlie Lenehan, can you please put me down carefully?' I said.

'That's better'. He put me down on the floor at the end of Leo's bed.

'Charlie don't!' I heard Leo shout. I could see his head at the edge if the bed, I tried to move but it was too late. Leo's head was in my stomach and I couldn't move.

'Oww! Charlie why don't you like 13 year olds?' I said.

'I don't know. I think it's because they're younger than me'. he joked.

'Leo can you get off me now?'. I asked.

'No. Your quite comfy'.

'I don't care if I'm like a fluffy cloud, get off me!' he tried to sit up but he kept falling back down because he was laughing too much, so he stayed there for a while.

'Leo if your gonna stay there I'm playing with your hair and keeping your SnapBack'. I warned

'Okay. I've got more'. He explained. I took the hat off his head and put it on mine.

'Can I wear one Leo?' Charlie asked.

'Yeah, get me one of my beanies please'. he said.

'We've been Leofide!' I said. We all started laughing and talking for a bit until 12:00 came around.


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