Chapter 9: Endingbrough and tears.

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Me, Leo and Charlie all walked down to my house so I could get my things. I knocked on the door and my Emily opened it again.

'Hi Cait! I missed you so much!' she said hugging me tightly.

'Aww I missed you too princess!' I replied. Emily started crying. I bent down to see if she was alright.

'Hey, what's the matter?' I asked.

'I miss daddy so much! I want him back. Can you make him come back?' she said.

Our father was a soldier fighting for our country in Iraq. He came home safe and sound until one day the Iraq troops found out were we lived and took my dad back to their country, we don't know we're he is now but we want him home. We were warned not to come looking for him or we'll be dead.

'I don't know where he is Emily, I can't bring him back. He'll be home soon don't worry'. I said giving her a comforting hug.

'Go on go and play in your room'. I said. With that she ran off into her room.

'Sorry about that boys. Come in'. I said.

'It's alright. If you don't mind me asking, what did happen to you dad?' Leo asked with a caring look in his eyes. I'm getting used to this question now, everyone asks me.

'It's a long story. I'll explain it later'. I replied. We walked upstairs and entered my room. The boys relaxed on my bed whilst I got my things together. I grabbed my white bag from my wardrobe and began packing it with things I need.

'Mum?' I shouted.

'What do you want?' she replied as she walked downstairs.

'I'm going now. I'll be home tomorrow' I explained. I gave her and Emily a hug before bedding out the door.


*Leo's P.O.V*

We arrived at Endingbourgh and it was amazing!! This is going to be a trip to remember!

We got to the hotel and sorted out were we are sleeping. Luckily in our room there are three beds so Cait can sleep in our room with us. We walked into the room and started unpacking our things into the drawers under the bed.

'I need one more drawer'. I said.

'Why?' Cait asked.

'One for all my beanies, dah!'

'Your a strange one Leondre Devries'.

'Hey, it's probably the same with you and your make-up'. I said earning a playful punch on the arm by Cait.

'Right heres what happened to my dad'. She said. I sat on her bed with her.

'When I was five, my dad went to go and fight for our country, and one day he returned home for Emily's birth and he got me and mum gifts. He got me this neckless that says 'my little angle' and he got Emily a teddy. A year later, the troops from Iraq came back a-and they took him away from us. If I had the neckless I-I'd show you but they to-ok him as he was putting it on me'. She explained.

'Hey don't cry Cait, I'm sure he's fine he's probably flogging back now as we speak'. I said giving her a hug and a little kiss on the head.

'I guess your right, thanks for understanding Leo. Your the best friend anyone could ever ask for'. She said. Those words. I felt special.

I am in love with Caitlin Evens.


Heyyooooooo readers, hope you enjoyed this chapter. This took a lot of thought to put it together. Thanks for being patient. Love you!


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