Chapter 30: Libra

Start from the beginning

"Aries," Aries called. "Is Cap in here?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's just in the shower," Libra replied.

"Can I come in?" He requested.

Libra was taken aback but agreed. What did Aries want with her? Maybe not to tell her that he liked her. She wouldn't know how to turn him down! She walked over to the bedroom door, took a deep breath and opened it.

She was surprised to see a stunned Virgo in front of her, wearing a black suit. Aries, Gemini and Leo were stood behind him, grinning and smirking.

"What's this?"

"Virgo has something to say," Leo smiled.

"Yeah, go on and say what you need to say," Aries laughed, lightly pushing Virgo into her.

"Sorry," Virgo apologised as she caught him. His face was inches from hers and she looked deep into his emerald green in eyes in surprise.

"Oh, don't worry... it's erm, fine," she hurriedly said, as he backed away from her. "What did you need to say?"

Gemini muttered something that caused Virgo to blush and Leo elbowed him in the chest, while still smiling.

"I... deserved... that," Gemini croaked.

"What I wanted to say was... basically... erm..."

"Yeah, go on," Libra encouraged, her heart leaping. Was he going to ask her out?

Virgo awkwardly went down on one knee. "Would you... marry me?" He asked, holding up an imaginary ring.

Libra was astounded - she didn't realise his feelings were this strong! And what were the others doing here? Did he really need an entourage?

"What?" Libra asked, looking at the other three behind him who all burst out into laughter. "What's so funny?" She demanded.

"Your face, you had no idea," Aries cackled.

"Yeah, don't worry, he's not serious. He just lost a bet," Gemini helped Virgo to his feet.

Well, it was clear to Libra these idiots took it all as a joke. They probably had no idea that Libra liked him, so she didn't blame too much, but she still wasn't a fan of the joke.

"Well, guess what? I'm saying yes." She pulled Virgo in close and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "He's mine now, suck it," she stuck out a tongue at the rest of them, who stopped laughing.

"Do she just...?" Aries asked.

"Yep," Leo replied.

"And then did she just?" Gemini inquired.

"Yep," Leo said again.

"I think I might need to sit down," Gemini said.

"So does Virgo, by the looks of it. Come on hubby, don't die of shock to us now," Leo said, picking him up and carrying him.

"You too, Gemini."

"Can you please - "

"No," Aries replied, full well knowing Gemini also wanted to be carried. Gemini sighed, but began walking.

"Thanks for being such a good sport," Aries said, before he left. "I hope you didn't consider him being serious for a moment."

Libra slightly blushed. "No, no, I never thought he was serious."

"Good, take care," Aries smiled kindly, as Gemini also said goodbye to her.

"By the way, Ryze also said there's someone he wants us to meet," Gemini said. "Just come down whenever Cap is ready."

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