~Was this what he was looking at? The sword?~ 


Later that night, Kyo and Charn appeared in front of a hotel room where they had been summoned for another contract. 

"Guess this is it, huh buddy?" Kyo says to his wolf companion. 

Charn grins. "Just try not to flip if it's another hot chick." 

"That was one time! Besides, maybe you forgot WHAT she'd summoned me for! Any other guy would react the same way." Kyo argues before knocking on the door. It opens and Kyo bows. "Hello, I'm Kyo Najasaki. I'm the Devil that you summoned. Sorry if I'm not what you'd expected." 

"Well, you're here now. Might as well come in." Kyo then gets a look at the man's face. 

Kyo then enters the room with Charn and sits down on the couch with Charn at his feet

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Kyo then enters the room with Charn and sits down on the couch with Charn at his feet. Kyo whistles at the interior of the room. "Nice place you have here." 

The man returns with a tray of wine and glasses. "Something to drink?" 

Kyo shakes his head. "Sorry, no. I don't drink anything alcoholic. Even wine." 

The man shrugs. "Bummer. I was hoping to have a drinking partner." 

"Is that why you summoned me?" Kyo inquires. 

"Is that bad?" The man asks. 

"No, not at all. Honestly it's kind of nice. Most of my summons have been women and...you know what? Never mind. Rather not talk about that. Uh, anyways! What else can I do?" 

The man then begins to laugh. "You're an interesting character, that's for certain." 

~I'm getting a weird vibe from this guy...~ Kyo thinks. 

After several hours of talking, the man then says, "So, Kyo, if you don't mind my asking, anyone special in your life?" 

Kyo was taken aback by the question. "Well, I mean...yeah. Why?" 

"Just a curious thought. Handsome young man like yourself? It's not really a wonder why women have been summoning you." The man shrugs. "Don't worry I'm not coming onto you, it's just guy talk." 

Kyo nods. Suddenly his arms begin to hurt and he clutches himself. ~Not now, not now.~ 

"Well, I guess I should let you go. Thank you for your time. I may summon you again, you seem like a nice fellow." The man says. 

Kyo exhales slowly ignoring the pain. "Thank you, sir. Uh, what was your name again?" 

The man doesn't respond and takes the painting off his wall. "Here. Take this as my payment." 

Kyo takes the painting and smiles at it. "It's beautiful. And thanks for the talk." Kyo then exits the room with Charn and tucks the painting under his arm. 

The Black Dragon Emperor of Death (Highschool DxD x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now