Chapter Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

Kayla sat a glass in front of Xara with a bright smile. "I was wondering," began Kayla, "if you wouldn't mind telling Ebony and I how you got that score on that game?"

"Game," repeated Xara slowly.

"Yes," enthused Ebony as she nodded her head.  "The skills game where you scored 100.25%."

"Oh," whispered Xara quietly.  "According to Sebastian all the women had immediately asked Dion if he would train them."

Ebony twisted her lips as she stared at Xara, "I don't think that would have went over well with Jacob -."

"Or Lucas," laughed Kayla.  After a brief pause Kayla sat her lemonade down and gave Xara a serious look, "But you do have to tell us how you scored that high!"

"Yes," nodded Ebony.  "Jacob stated that Kae-."

"Let's pretend you don't sleep with my brother," interrupted Kayla as she waved a brownie.

Ebony rolled her eyes as she leaned toward Xara, "Jacob said Kae seems to glow every morning and he has summed it up to your 100.25%."

"Oh that glow may be the product of him liking to -."

"Stop," frowned Kayla as she held up a hand.  "Please stop and don't continue that sentence for my sake."

"But I'll definitely suggest that to Jacob," snickered Ebony as she move to the side before the chuck of brownie  Kayla threw could hit her.  "How long -?"

"At least an hour," replied Xara confused by both Xara and Kayla's banter.

"Every night," asked Kayla shocked.  "And he still has -."

"Sex with Ruby," ended Xara matter of factly.  "I believe so," shrugged Xara without emotion.

Ebony tapped the table as she stared blankly at Xara, "And you're okay with that?"

"Why wouldnt I be," asked Xara.  She tilted her head and stared questioningly from Kayla to Ebony.  "Relationships like the one you and Kayla supposedly have with Lucas and Jacob is what is unusual."  Xara twirled the lemonade around in her cup as she appeared to think of something.  "Plus what makes either of you believe that Lucas and Jacob are faithful to you."

"What," gasped Ebony in disbelief.

Xara sipped her drink and puckered her lips.  She shook her head and pushed the cup away, "They go all over the known universe and are gone for days at a time.  How can you believe without a doubt that they are not finding release with another woman or multiple women?"

Kayla mouth fell open as she stared at Xara, "Are you serious?"

"Yes," replied Xara flatly.  She picked up a brownie and sniffed it before she took a tentative bite, "Kaelen relieves himself while away why wouldn't -."

"Kaelen's a man whore," interrupted Kayla with am upset frown.  "And for you to compare Lucas and Jacob to him -."

"I know that I was secluded the majority of my life but I do know how to read," frowned Xara.  "Lucas and Jacob were known for their -."

"Were," spat Kayla as she stood up.  "I know that you are a woman born and breed of the Alliance -."

"So am I Kayla," interrupted Ebony with a perplexed frown.  "And the thought did cross my mind but Jacob said that he didn't feel the need."  Ebony pointed to Kayla's seat, "And it's not as if she really knows Lucas or Jacob to know that they are different."

Kayla chewed her bottom lip as she sari back down, "I'd castrate Lucas if he ever thought of sleeping with another woman....or man."

Xara stared at both woman in awe as she bit into her brownie. "You two are amazing."

"Really," asked Ebony as she bit into her second brownie.   "This is so good," moaned Ebony as she took another bite.

"I got them from Jael Quin," smile Kayla as she let Ebony skillfully change the conversation.

Xara stared down at the tray of brownies with a small puzzled frown, "That means I made these."  Xara picked up another one and sniffed it, "I had thought I smelt cinnamon but dismissed it as a common ingredient."

"You have to give me the recipe for these," sighed Ebony as she reached for another one.

Xara smiled and nodded,  "I'll ask Kaelen if it's okay."

"Why," asked Kayla with a confused expression.

Xara turned to stare curiously at Kayla,  "Because he is my lord and master."

Kayla choked on her lemonade and tears gathered in her eyes.  Kayla quickly dashed them away as she tried to catch her breath.  "What did you just say," asked Kayla.

"Your lord and master," repeated Ebony with a smile.   "Kayla," smiled Ebony in warning,  "don't ask anything else unless you want to know all the sordid details."

Xara blushed as she put several sugar cubes in her lemonade.  "Did I say something wrong?"

"No," blushed Kayla as she quickly at another brownie.   "But I do have to ask you something."

Xara sipped her lemonade as she waited patiently for Kayla. 

"Are you in love with Kae?"

"No," replied Xara thoughtfully.  "But I don't mind him in my life."

"Could you fall in love with Kae," asked Ebony to fill in the awkward silence that was created by Xara's answer.

Xara tapped her chin and nodded, "If Kaelen were to give me a child that I am allowed to raise without his or Ruby's interference I would love him more than words."

"That's considered appreciation," frowned Kayla snippety.

"Kayla," frowned Xara as she tilted her head and addressed her as if she were simple. "Love is an illusion thought up by scholars to explain the lust and attraction between two people."  Xara picked up a brownie and examined it, "But I do find Kaelen to be very interesting and skillful with his tongue."

Kayla's mouth dropped open as she stared at Xara in disbelief while Ebony started to laugh hysterically.

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