He's mad

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Jason's POV

I woke up tied in chair. My head hurt so much so I let my eyes closed. Last think I remember is an explosion in the Moutin and my little brother sobbing in my chest. Wait! Where is Tim? My eyes blew open.

I saw whole team tied to their chairs just like me. None of them had serious injury just some scratches and bruises. But there were some members missing there was not Batman or Black Canary and my teammates like Nightwing, red-headed archer and...and Tim.

"G-Guys..?" I managed to say with sore voice. I saw a few of them waking up. "Where are we?" M'gaan asked confused. "It looks like a...werehouse." I replied. "Cliché." I heard Wally whisper. Others smiled at this comment. But I did not undestand to this so I just gave them a confused look.

Red Arrow's POV

I woke up tied up on some kind of chair. It was very similiar to dentist's chair. My wrists and ankles were tied up with some kind of black tape. It was very strong tape.

I looked around I saw my brother Nightwing tied up as well to same kind of chair still unconsciouss on other side of me was the younger werewolf. He was tied by his wrists to ceiling and his ankles to the floor. He was unconsciouss too.

Suddedly someone entered the room. I immiadetly recognised the Joker standing in front of me.

"Finaly someone woke up!" he said annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "How did you found out where our base is?" I asked. He laughed. "Captain's boomerang in the wolfies leg had a little tracer on his blade." I never knew about how clever Joker was I always though he is just some stupid psychopath.

I looked at Nightwing who slowly opened his eyes. "Red?" he said with weak voice. Joker laughed again and we both froze. His laughs gave me chills everytime I heard them.

"Good morning little big birdie!" Joker greeted Nightwing. "Shut it." he replied obviously pissed. "Oh my! You broke my heart again birdy boy. Your daddybats would be pissed with your acting." he said dramaticly.

Joker went to little werewolf's side. "Such a cute puppy isn't he?" Joker asked pokind his sides. Little werewolf moved in his sleep and started to wake up.

Tim's POV

I felt someone touching my side. That woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes to see Nightwing and his archer friend tied up on strange chairs on my left side. I was very confused.

Suddedly a creepy clown jumped in front of me. I yelled in shock when I saw his scary face. He laughed. "Morning kiddo." he greeted with sinister voice. I started to shake in fear.

3rd person POV

When Joker stopped laughing after scaring Tim he walked to the metal table in the middle of the room. On the table was placed a lot of Joker's favourite 'toys'.

Jokes laughed when he took a crowbar in his right hand and started to play with it. "What do you think? Isn't it a bit too much for begining?" he asked himself loudly.

Nightwing and Red Arrow gave each other scared looks. They both knew very well what Joker can do with anything aspecially with crowbar.

Joker came closer to Tim and he lifted his small face by his chin. Joker looked into his light blue eyes. "You have a nice eyes kiddo." he said turning back and lying crowbar back at the table and taking a huge sharp knife. "This my little buddy will show you how beautiful your eyes really are." he laughed and came closer and closer to Tim who just stared at him in fear.

When Joker lifted his head again Tim's face started to get wet from tears which were streaming down his face. "Already crying? And I didn't even started." he laughed and he cut Tim from his right eyebrow to his jaw bone. Tim cryed out in pain.

"Let him go you sick freak!" Nightwing yelled in anger. Joker turned at him. "Don't worry little big birdie your turn will be right after him." Joker said annoyed still looking at Tim's bleeding face. Fortunatelly he didn't damage his eye.

"He's just a kid!" Red Arrow yelled. Joker laughed. "Kids sings the best." both heroes froze. Joker quickly stabbed his knife in little kid's stomach. Tim screamed as loud as he could. Joker dreamily sighed. "I never heard better song. Not even from you little big birdie." he laughed and pulled out the knife. Another scream from child followed soon after that.

Blood streamed down Tim's lower body and he was breathing heavily his eyes wide open in shock. "Ja-Jay..." he was repeating under his breaths.

Joker laughed at his acting. And he checked his camera if it's recording his 'play'. "I got it! I got it all!" he laughed and started jumping like a little kid. Red Arrow and Nightwing gave him pissed faces.

Wally's POV

We all heard wave of screams. They sounded very close like it was in room next to us. We all froze it was screams full of fear and pain. I looked at everyone around me and I noticed Jason's frighted face. He had tears in his eyes. "Timmy..." he whispered in fear.

Jason pinned his gaze to the ground while we all looked at each other in fear. "He's hurting my little brother..." Jason said in scary calm and deep voice. "Jason?" M'gaan called his name quietly. Jason's eyes pinned on her. I could see her face she was scared. Then Jason looked at us all.

His eyes were no longer darker green but bright yellow with tiny red stripes. And his whole face started to look like a wolf's. His hands started to get hairy and his short nails changed into sharp wolf claws.

He gets bigger while he was changing. His shirt ripped off of his now werewolf's body and tape holding his wrists and ankles ripped off too.

When he got himself free he immiadetly ran out off the room like he had just one think in his mind.

"Supey can't you just rip off that tape?" I asked. With his super strengh he should be able to rip that off. "He can't. They infected us with some kind of liquid and because of that we can't use our powers." M'gaan explained.

Lucky us Joker seemed to be so stupid and he hadn't noticed Jason has a powers too. And another luck was that Artemis had hidden mini knife in her hair so she could cut her tape off. God, this girl never stops suprising me.

When she untied herself she started to untying us. When she finished we went after Jason. By the doors to next room we found Captain Boomerang lying on the floor.

He was almost dead. Jason almost killed him. Aqualad and Artemis stayed with him trying not to let him die and contact the League.

We still thought Black Canary and Batman are in other room too until Batman answered our calling for Watch Tower. We all were suprised but he explained that the Joker and Boomerang took just us not them. 
That was a bit strange.

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