Sticking together

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Nightwing's POV

When Batman told Jason that his little brother is alright and awake he was just like happy puppy. His tail went crazy when he heard the news.

After they left Red Arrow appeared in zeta tubes. Red and Wally were my best friends from my very young age. I was always happy when I seen them or even one of them. They both left the team. Wally before our mission with Kauldur and Artemis. But Artemis refused to leave the team. And Red Arrow left before Young Justice was found by me, Wally and Kauldur. But they all came to help us with the werewolves even Wally was here but he never talked to me. I guess he is still angry. I don't blame him.

He came closer to me. "Hey 'Wing." he greeted with a little smile on his face. "Hey Red." I greeted back with smile too. "I've heard you have a little problem with werewolves here." he said. I shook my head. "It's not a problem. They're just kids who lost their families. I want to ask them if they want to join the team the older one is pretty good fighter and the younger one is very smart." I explained. Red gave me confused look.

"Are they here for so long that you know that?" he asked. "The older one Jason told me that," I replied. "they're here for almost seven hours now." I added.

Suddedly Batman came to us with Black Canary by his side and two boys behind them. "Hey Red Arrow." Canary greeted my friend. "Hey Canary, Bats." Red Arrow greeted back.

I saw the brothers standing behind them nervously. Jason was holding Tim around shoulders pressed against his side protectively.

"Hi Jason." I greeted. "Hi." he replied.

"Misson room. Whole team. Now." Batman ordered and me and Red Arrow nodded.

Tim's POV

After the Batman ordered to my brother's friend to send whole his team to their so called mission room I got nervous. How much of them will be there? I always been shy or scared of meeting new people.

Jason told me earlier they are nice and kind but older and kinda strange. Also he believes our relationship will be alright.

I was amazed by the man in black and red suit with bow and arrows. I don't know why. I just saw something in him. Something that made me be interested in him.

Jason's POV

When Nightwing and his archer friend left to get the team I saw Tim nervous. He knew from me they all are nice. But I know him good enough to know he won't believe until he sees it by his own eyes.

Tim's aunt, Black Canary, led us both to their mission room. I saw the whole team there.

"Why are we here? I don't think it's about new mission." I heard someone say. Batman stood in front of us waiting until everyone went quiet.

After that happened Batman started to talk. "Team you have a mission," he started all of them suddedly looked shocked. "you have to find and arrest Captain Boomerang who escaped from Arkham. He managed to murder ten people in Gotham and Central City. You must catch him soon before he will kill again." that was the moment when I had to ask myself. 'What does this have to do with me and Tim?'

"Jason can we talk in privacy?" Bats asked and I simply nodded and left without Tim who stayed with his aunt scared of new people.

"What you want to talk about?" I asked a bit confused. "Captain Boomerang." he simply replied. "You want me to join on your team's mission?" I asked. "That man is that man who murdered your brother's parents." I stood there in shock. "What?!" "Will you go with them?" he asked. I felt not anger RAGE.

"Of course I'll go!" I yelled. He lifted his hand in front of his chest showing me to be quiet. "But we have a rule. No killing." "Sure." I rolled my eyes.

When we came back I told Tim that I'll go with them to get the villain. I knew he won't let me go or not without him. But his aunt helped me so I could go with the team. But when I saw Tim's face full of fear my joy dissapeared. I knew he worries about me but so much fear I never seen in his eyes.

I knelt in front of him. He quickky hugged me and started to sob. I was shocked. 'Does he really worry so much about me?' I thought. I broke the hug and looked into his blue eyes. "Don't worry Timmy. I'll be ok. I promise." I smiled. He sobbed again. "Please come back without any scratches. Please." he begged with tears in his eyes. "I promise wolfie." I replied with a soft smile. He just nodded.

When the team was ready we headed to that things they called zeta tubes. I kinda felt nervous about using it. But they were so fine with it so I guess it's nothing bad.

I waved at Tim who waved back. I followed the team into the zeta tubes and robotic voice said our names. I was there too. When we have arrived here Nightwing got my name into their computer.

Suddedly a bright light consumed my whole body.

We appeard in the Gotham City. I remembered those dark buildings. Nowhere else are so scary and dark buildings like in Gotham.

Superboy's POV

I think it was a terrible idea to take the werewolf with us on mission without any training or anything.

It felt kinda bad for me to devide those close brothers. The younger one...Tim I think...seemed to be very worried about his brother.

But we had mission to focuse on. And the mission was to capture Captain Boomerang. I've never heard of him. But the werewolf...Jason...obviously know who he is. I could feel his anger when sinister laugh echoed whole area around us.

Jason's POV

When we appeard in some kind of werehouse we all could hear a loud deep laugh. I got chills all around my body. Knowing that a murderer of my brother's family is somewhere close made me feel unbelievebly angry.

"Show yourself!" Nightwing yelled. "Oh, come on 'Wing. You broke my heart." sounded. It was a different voice. This was just like voice of some psychopath. I could see sudden anger in Nightwing's eyes. He growled just one word that caused everyone to freeze. "Joker."

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