You still got a family

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Batman's POV

I called Black Canary to help me with the werewolf. She came almost immiadetly after I called her. I saw something in her eyes when I told her the boy's name. That look she gave to little Drake. I realized she know him. I just don't know how.

After we finished cleaning his wound and wrapping it with a bandage I could not hold that question in my mind. "Do you know him?" I finally asked. She sighed loudly and put her hand on the boy's forehead. "He has a fever," she said to avoid the answer but I wanted the answer. "Dinah," I sighed a bit frustrated. "how do you know him?" I asked again looking into her bright blue eyes.

"Do you know my last name?" she asked back. That was the moment when I realized they have the same surname. "He...he is my nephew," she said with a heavy heart. "my brother, his father, never told me about him. He told me he died right after he was born." she had tears in the corners of her eyes.

I came to her and I placed my right hand on her right shoulder. "Don't worry Canary he will be alright," I said softly. I knew how it hurt to see someone you love hurt or alone. "Don't worry Canary. He'll be alright and you could get to know your nephew." I told her. She quickly hugged me. But as fast as she hugged me she broke the hug and turned her back to me. "I'm sorry Batman..." she apologized. I shook my head. "Don't be. It's okay I get it." I said calmly.

Black Canary's POV

I can't believe it. My nephew. My nephew whom I thought is a long time dead is lying unconscious right in front of me. I still have to get through the fact that he is a werewolf but is still a member of my family. After the death of Janet and her unborn son, I broke down. But there was still Jack who comforted me when I needed it or I did it to him. We helped each other a lot. 

But when he died two weeks ago I broke down again with no family left. Well, until now. Little Tim has his mother's look. His face was soft and pale. His body is quite little for his age but he is stronger than he looks. But his hair was like his father's dark black locks lying on the sides of his head reminded me of Jack when he was younger and he had long hair too. 

I'm glad I know I still have a family. I found the youngest member of the Drake family. I smiled at his little cute face. I was still thinking about the secret I was hiding from the whole Justice League and Young Justice maybe I should tell them. But what if Tim doesn't know about it?

No, it's his home of course they told him.

Suddenly he started to move slowly his head moved to the left side and then to the right side. He was about to wake up. I started to think what will I tell him? How will I tell him?

His eyes flew open and he sat in flash but he hissed in pain and laid back down on the pillows. His light blue eyes were scanning the room. "W-Where am I?" he asked. I almost started to cry again. "Hi, Tim," I told him. his eyes were staring at me now. "You have eyes just like my dad had," he said. I smiled. "Tim. I'm your father's sister." I said. His eyes widen. "You're my...aunt?" he asked confused. I nodded tears were streaming down my cheeks now. He lifted himself again a bit slower than earlier and he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him too. 

I saw his wolf ears lying on the back of his small head and his whole body was shaking slightly. When we broke up we both had tears in our eyes. "Dad never told me about you," he said suddenly. I was in shock. Why would not my own brother want my nephew to know who I am? Maybe it was because of him being a werewolf. 

Suddenly his wolf ears perked up. "Where is Jason?" he asked. I know who is Jason. Batman told me everything about them while we were taking care of Tim. "Don't worry he is alright. I'll go get him." Batman said and left the room. 

Tim didn't let go of my arm so I could feel him shaking. "What's going on?" I asked. His eyes were glassy. "I don't feel good," he said with a weak voice. "not at all..." he added and laid back on the bed. I pressed my hand to his forehead he had a serious fever. I stared at him in shock he looked so weak. I gave him a glass of water and he drank it surprisingly fast. "Aren't you hungry?" I asked. He shook his head 'no'. I sighed. "Anything hurt?" I asked again. He nodded. "Here." he showed his stomach right at the place where he was stabbed. I took an ice bag and pressed it against the wound. He hissed quietly but loud enough for me to hear. "I'm sorry," I said. "It's fine," he whispered. 

When Batman returned I could see Tim's older 'brother'. Right, they look similar—same hair exact figure. But Jason's eyes were darker green while Tim's were light blue. Jason seemed to be very happy about seeing Tim awake.

Jason's POV

When Batsy told me my little brother is alright just a bit sick I fell a huge rock fell out of my heart. I was so happy to hear he is alright.

Bats took me to his room. But before he opened the door to his room he stopped me. "I want you to know something," he started and I just nodded. "when we enter the room you'll notice a tall blonde woman. We realised she is his aunt." he explained. I stared at him with my eyes wide open.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded and I widely smiled. "That's great!" I almost yelled. I was so happy he still have some true family left.

We entered the room and I saw them. My little brother is in a hug with his aunt. I smiled again at that. When they saw me she step aside so I could hug Tim. "Are you alright?" I asked quietly. He nodded fast. I saw tears in his eyes. "I'm happy for you," I said while I was rubbing his back. "Why?" he asked back. I broke the hug and look into his eyes. "Because you still have a family," I replied.

His eyes widened. "You're right. You have no family left..." he whispered sadly. "Yeah..." I agreed. Tim hugged me again. "You still got me. I won't leave you. Never." he said with a soft sob at the end. I pat his back. "But Tim. She's your only true family. You can't throw it away just because of me." I said and he slapped my face. "Ow," I whined playfully because his slap was kinda weak.

"Don't say it!" Tim yelled. "you're my true family too and I will not let you leave! You promised me you won't ever leave me." I sighed. "I know I promised that." I agreed.

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