Zen: "Jeez. Jaehee is IN the chat and you still have the guts to say crap like that? You should be a little more sensitive, damn trust fund kid."

Jumin: "I may be a trust fund kid, but at least I don't make up fake allergies for attention. Why not lie about an actual allergy though? Or something that isn't as precious as Elizabeth the third?"

Zen: "You little..."

The two continue to pester each other. I giggle a little at their antics, everyone seems lively as always.

MC: "I'm gonna go now, text me when you guys get here! Goodbye Jaehee, see you soon."

Jaehee: "Yes, see you soon. Hopefully."


MC has left the chatroom


With a sigh at the traffic-caused delay, I glance over to the one item that isn't packed. It's an old dial radio and it seems to be stuck on one channel and randomly turns on. My mom told me it was magic. It always seems to play the song I need to hear, despite how popular it was. In reality, I soon realized it was just broken and stuck on some weird radio channel that, for some reason, I can't pick up on any other device no matter how hard I try.

We had a guy look at it and he said it looked perfectly fine and he couldn't figure out why it was stuck on one channel or would come on at weird times, he assumed it just had a problem with a wire that he couldn't find. But I'm ok with it's brokenness because this 'Mystic Radio' has great timing, so it never really bothered me.

I've had it since I was a teenager, but now, I'm giving it to Jaehee. I'm not sure why, but I want her to have it, and maybe when she listens to it, I hope she might just think of me.

I lay my phone down and look at all the boxes scattered around my apartment. My apartment is fairly small so I don't have much to move. Sometimes I miss Rika's apartment. Thankfully I just finished college not too long ago and hadn't gotten a job yet or else my kidnapping would have been much more complicated. I chuckle to myself. Who knew that being stolen would end up like this? Seeing Zen and Jumin bicker like that reminds me of the RFA party. It was a while ago but I remember it perfectly. Zen and Jumin got into a huge fight about cat hair and such, but that isn't why I remember it so well.



Flash Back to RFA party, 3 Months ago, MC's POV


Jaehee and I are sitting at a table, taking a break from all the socializing. Classical music fills the air of the banquet hall. With how easy conversation is flowing, it seems like we've known each other for years, though we just met . Cheesy, I know.

"MC, I just want to tell you again how happy I am that we became friends!", Jaehee says before taking a sip of her wine.

'Friends', the word makes me get a pang in my heart. I know love doesn't happen fast, and Jaehee might not even know what she's feeling. That is, If there's anything between us at all.

I give a fake smile and say, "I'm happy to be friends too. I'm really ex-".

A guy in a perfectly tailored suit comes up to us, interrupting my sentence.

"Hello ladies!", he gives a slight bow, "If you don't mind, may I have a dance?".

Jaehee starts to refuse, saying "Oh. No, I-".

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