Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Gracie is six months old now and Happy and I have still been trying and Juice and I have been using protection. I wake up before my guys, like I do most mornings and get Gracie up and start breakfast. Once I get things done, I wake the guys up and we are all in the kitchen eating when I jump up and head to the bathroom, sick. Happy is right behind me. "You okay babe?" he asks. "I don't know where that came from." I say. "After breakfast, take the test." he tells me and I nod. We head to the kitchen and Juice asks "You okay?" I nod and say "Taking the test after breakfast." He kisses me softly and we go about eating. Once we're done, I head to the bathroom with Happy, Juice and Gracie in tow. I take the test and we wait the three minutes. "I can't look." I say. Happy picks up the test and looks at it and smiles. "I knocked you up." he tells me and we all start laughing. I stand up and he pulls me close and kisses me deeply. I move to Juice and he says "Go to the doctor and confirm it and then we'll celebrate." he tells me. Happy and Juice both called into work today to take me to the doctor.

Sitting in the exam room, the doctor draws blood and says the test came back positive. We do the ultrasound and find out that I am five weeks pregnant. After heading home, Happy calls Tig over as well as Packer. I call my dad and mom over as well as my Tio Bishop. We are all sitting in the living room. Well, they were sitting, the three of us were standing. "Why did you call us here Doll? Must be something big if you're calling all of us." Tig says. "We wanted to tell you all together. You all know our situation. We're all in this marriage together. Juice and I have Gracie and now Happy and I are expecting." I say and they all look at us shocked before coming to us and congratulating us. "That's great sweetheart." Tig tells me and I ask "You gonna be the godfather like you are for Gracie?" I ask. "Hell yeah." he tells me and I can't help but smile. We all go on talking and Gracie falls asleep in Juice's arms. "I'll take her and lay her down." I tell him and he hands her to me.

After laying Gracie in her crib, I stand there looking at her and my mom walks in. "You okay bebita?" she asks. "Yeah. Just thinking. This is all so surreal. I mean, when I thought Juice was gone, Happy and I had this whole thing planned out so that I could still have a family and he could still have me as his Old Lady. Now, here I am, I have Happy, and Juice is back and we have a perfect little girl and now one more on the way. I don't think I have ever been this happy in my entire life mama." I say as the tears start to fall. "You really feel that way?" Happy asks from the door and I see him and Juice standing there. "I do. I really do. You two have made me so happy and giving me everything I wanted." I tell them. They walk over and place soft kisses to my lips. I turn to face the crib as mom slips out of the room and I have Happy standing behind me with his hand on my stomach, holding his child and Juice holding my hand as he brings it to his lips and places a soft kiss to my knuckles as we watch our little girl sleeping.

The next morning, I get up and am in bed alone. I head into the kitchen and see Juice feeding Gracie and Happy is cooking. "Morning guys." I say. "Morning mama." Juice says as I kiss him good morning before kissing Gracie's head. I walk over to Happy and he kisses me softly and says "Morning babe." I take the plate he offers me and say "Thanks for cooking and getting her up. I'm not feeling real swift." I tell them. "We know. Letti is coming to stay with you and Gracie to help out so you can rest." Juice tells me and I say "Thank you." We finish breakfast and I help clean the kitchen up as we hear a knock on the door. Letti walks in as Juice opens it and says "Where's Preggo?" and we all start laughing. "In here smartass." I say. "You two sure you aren't related?" Happy asks. "Nah. She's like my favorite niece." I tell him and she just smirks. The guys leave for work and Letti grabs Gracie and says "Let's watch a movie."

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