Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

***Four Years Earlier***

I pull onto the lot of Teller Morrow looking for my husband. Juice hadn't been home in almost two days and wasn't answering his phone. I get out of the car and before I make it to the clubhouse, the members come walking outside. I see everyone but Juice. Where could he be? Jax walks up to me and I ask "Have you guys seen Juice? He didn't come home?" I see all eyes look away from me. Including Jax. "What?" I ask. "Lass, maybe we should sit down." Chibs says. Now I know something's up. "I'm fine right here. Where's my husband?" I ask because I know what he's been dealing with. "He went into Stockton for the club." Tig says. "Okay so how long will be be there?" I ask. "He ain't coming out." Jax says bluntly. I see all the guys look at him. I look up at Juice's best friend, Happy and ask "Why not?" I see it in Happy's eyes. "Oh God." I say as I cover my mouth. Jax goes to comfort me but I back away from him. "Don't fucking touch me." I seethe. Everyone looks at me shocked. "You remember who you're talking to." Jax tells me. I look at him and ask "Or what?" Everyone looks at me shocked because I have never disrespected a member of the club. Jax steps forward and says "Remember your place. You're just an Old Lady." he sneers. "Not anymore. You had my Old Man killed. Those rules don't apply to me anymore." I tell him. "You'd hate for some truths to come out, wouldn't you?" he asks. "Oh you mean that my dad is a member of one of the Mayans charters? Yeah. Everyone knows that. But let's talk about some truths." I say. Jax glares at me. "What are you talking about Lass?" Chibs asks. "Let's see. How about how Roosevelt was blackmailing Juice about having a black daddy to get him to rat on the club. Or the fact that he never gave info or signed any deal. Or that Jax here was having Juice do his dirty work until he didn't have a use for him anymore." I say. "What dirty work?" Tig asks. "Nero's friend, Darvany. That death was Jax's call. Had Juice smother her. Or how he had Juice help set Clay up." I say and they all look at Jax shocked. "How do you know this Lass?" Chibs asks. "Juice and I had full disclosure. There was nothing I didn't know about. I knew about him trying to hang himself because of the guilt from it all. I know about him almost OD'ing because of it. I know all of it." I tell them. "I also know that none of it was club sanctioned. But Jax kept telling him he would take the rat to the table. But last I checked, he didn't give any info or sign any deal but before you all went to Stockton, Jax did, didn't you? But that's different right? Because it was you?" I ask. Jax gets right in my face and before he can do anything, Happy steps between us. "I wouldn't do that Prez." Happy says. "What? You fucking her too?" Jax asks. "You won't touch her." Happy says. A few minutes later, Happy walks me to my car as the guys head inside to church to figure out how to handle this. I get to my car and say "I'm not scared of him." Happy looks at me and says "I know. Head home. I'll be there later to check in." he tells me. "Okay." I say. He looks at me and I am trying hard not to break down. I get into the car and head home. Calling the closest person to me, I call my godfather, Marcus. "Uncle Marc I need you." I say as the tears start to fall.

***Present Day***

After Juice died, I moved back to Santa Padre to be near my dad Tranq. I pull into the salvage yard that the Mayans run just as my phone rings. "Hello." I answer. "Hey Cheri." Happy says. "Hey Hap." I say back. "Just wanted to check in. I'll be heading that way in a few days and thought I'd drop in." he says. "You know you got a place to crash Hap. Might be nice to spend some time with you brother." I say and he laughs. "Just checking. Later." he says. "Later." I say hanging up the phone. I see a vintage bike sitting across from the lot and recognize the man leaning against it.

I walk into the clubhouse and look at Chucky. "Hey Chuck. They in temple?" I ask. "Yeah. Been in there a while." he says. "I need to talk to them. Guess, I'll wait." I tell him. He hands me a beer and says "Look like you're having a rough one." I look down at my wedding rings that I still wear after four years. "You miss him." he says. "Yeah." I say. "I miss him too." Chucky says and offers a soft smile.

A little later, the guys come out of temple and I walk up to my dad. "Hey Princess." he says. "Hola Papi." I say as I hug him. "Can I talk to you and Uncle Bish a minute?" I ask and they look at me concerned. "All of us?" he asks. "Yeah." I tell him. He nods and Bishop calls everyone back to temple.

Sitting around the table, Coco brings a chair for me and Bishop asks "What's going on Princess?" I look around the table and start. "You guys have seen that creepy looking guy hanging around outside the gates right?" I ask. "Yeah. We've been trying to find out who he is." my dad says. "I know who he is." I tell them. "How do you know him?" Angel asks. "You guys remember when I was in Charming?" I ask and they know I'm talking about before Juice died. They all nod. "His name is Lincoln Potter. He's the United States District Attorney. When I was in Charming, he was trying to use the Rico case to take down the SONS, Galindo, and the IRA." I tell them. "How do you know this?" Bishop asks and I see they all look at me shocked. "Apparently one of the guys that was doing life in prison gave them info from the past for Rico but Potter had the local sheriff at the time, Roosevelt, blackmail Juice. At the time, the club didn't allow black members and Juice's daddy was black. Roosevelt tried to blackmail Juice by telling him that the club would vote him out or kill him and that he would lose me too. Juice told me everything. They wanted him to take a sample of the coke that they were muling for Galindo and Potter said he would leave me alone and he would let all the SONS go and only take down Galindo and the IRA. Juice refused to. The president at the time, Clay Morrow, was using some Nomad members that patched Samcro to do break-ins to make it looks like Jax couldn't hold shit together to try and take the gavel back but they broke into Roosevelt's house and killed his wife and unborn child. Roosevelt, being pissed off, told Jax that Juice was a rat even though he never signed anything and never gave them anything. Jax started blackmailing Juice to do his dirty work, made him kill a woman, made him help take down Clay and when he was done with him, he sent him into Stockton to kill Henry Lin and had him killed while he was inside." I tell them and by this time, there are tears in my eyes. "Holy shit. This dude is the one that's been trying to talk to EZ." Angel says. "Use that." I say. They all look at me confused. "One thing Juice told me was that one of the times that Potter brought him in, they brought him into the strategy room. Inside was the entire set up. Have EZ play both sides. This way you have someone on the inside to tell you what they have and then you can control the info going in from there out." I tell them. "That's not a bad idea." Bishop says. "Thank you for this info doll. Have you talked to Happy?" he asks. "Right before I got here. He's coming in a few days and going to be crashing with me." I tell them. "When he gets here, fill him in that this fucker is snooping around again so him and his club can be prepared." he tells me and I look at him. "I know you don't care about that club but I know you'll protect Tig and Happy. Just fill him in. Don't say anything about what we're doing but just a heads up." my dad says and I nod and say "Okay."

I walk back out to the bar and Chucky hands me beer and a shot of Jack. The other guys walk out and Coco says "She still looks so sad." Creeper says "I know. Been four years and she's still completely devoted to him." They all look at me worried as I sit there and drink while looking at my wedding rings. I miss him so much. Today, our anniversary, I miss him the most.

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