Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next day, Mami and I head out to pick up supplies for the clubhouse. Putting our things in the trunk of my car, we hear "Well, Mrs Ortiz. It's good to see you out and about. It is still Mrs Ortiz isn't it?" I hear Potter ask. I turn to look at him and see him standing there looking at me. My mom puts her hand on my shoulder when she sees my hands balled into fists at my sides. I step forward and say "It is Mrs Ortiz. It will always be Mrs Ortiz. What the fuck do you want?" I ask. "I want your help." he tells me. I look at him and laugh. "You're the reason my husband was taken from me. Why the hell would I help you?" I ask. "Because I know he's back and I could easily take him from you again." he says. Getting in his face I say "You have nothing on him. He's not in a club anymore. You can't do shit. You come near me again, I will report you for harassment." I tell him. "I've not caused you distress." he tells me. "When he was taken from me, because of you, I lost my child so have. I have nothing to say to you." I tell him before turning towards my car when he speaks again. "What about your father?" he asks. I turn my head and say "Do what you gotta fucking do. But I won't back down this time." I tell him before getting in the passenger seat, mom getting in the driver's seat and we head back to the clubhouse.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, the guys come out to get the supplies when my dad sees something's wrong. "What happened?" he asks. I don't say anything, just walk away but mom fills him in on Potter. Walking into the clubhouse, I see Juice standing there and as soon as he sees me, he runs to me and pulls me to him. "What is it baby?" he asks. My parents walk in and mom starts telling him what she told me dad. "He can't take any of us away. I need you to trust us." my dad says. "Then I need you to tell me what's going on." Walking into templo he says "He took EZ in this morning. We're waiting on him to come out but we spoke to Galindo and he's going to get the plug pulled on this shit. His dad's second, Luis, still works for the CIA and will get it taken care of." my dad says. "Can't we just make him disappear?" I ask then it hits me. "Happy." I say. "You think he'd do it if we asked?" Bishop asks. "I don't know if he would for the club but he would for me. He'd do anything for me." I tell them. "Call him." he tells me. I take out my prepay and call Happy's number.

After a couple of rings I hear "Sup little girl?" I smile at his voice and say "Can you come see me? I need your help." I tell him. "I'll head that way now. You okay?" he asks and you can hear the concern in his voice. "Yeah. I just need you." I tell him. "Be there soon." he says before hanging up. "One call and he drops everything." Bishop says and looks at me. "It's not like that. After Juice died and his mom died, we started taking care of each other. All that shit went down with Jax and he became less about being devoted to the club and more being devoted to those outside that he saw as family." I tell him and he nods his understanding. We hang around the clubhouse until we hear the bike pull up.

I walk outside to greet him and as soon as he sees me, he pulls me into a hug before hugging Juice. Shaking hands with Bishop and my dad, we all head to templo. Shutting the doors, he looks at me and asks "What do you need?" I take a deep breath and start to explain. "Potter came up to me today. Telling me that he could take Juice away from me again or my dad and said he wanted me to help him. I told him to fuck off. I can't deal with this shit again Hap. Him threatening to take Juice or my dad from me. My emotions are all over the place as it is right now. Him starting all this shit again, I won't recover from it this time." I tell him and there are tears in my eyes. He looks at my dad and Bishop and asks "Can I get a minute with them?" They both nod before walking out of templo and Happy asks "Are you sure you want me to do this?" I look him in the eyes and say "I can't live with him threatening to make me lose everything again Happy. I lost Juice once and our baby. I can't lose him again or my dad. You have to help me." I beg. "I got you little girl. Just give me a week. I know if he's watching, he saw me come in. I'll head back to Charming and lay low for a week or so and plan everything out. Just lay low and don't do anything. I got it." he tells me. I hug him and say "Thank you Happy." Patting my back he says "I got you." before getting up and saying goodbye to Juice and walking out of the room and heading back to Charming.

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