Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It's been a week and Juice and I decide to take a trip to Bakersfield to Happy's mom's old house. Walking in, since I still have a key, we wait on Happy to get there. "Why do you have a key to Hap's mom's house?" Juice asks. "He gave me a key. Told me when I needed to just get away from everything I could come up here. We used to meet here for our wedding anniversary so that I wouldn't have to spend it alone. We'd watch movies, look at pictures and just hang out. He's my best friend Juice." I tell him. "Did you and him ever..." he starts asking. "No. Never." I tell him and he says "I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. If you would have moved on with anyone I would have wanted it to be him." he tells me. "That's good to know." we hear Happy say as he walks into the living room. I stand and hug him and he hugs Juice. "Well?" I ask as we sit down. "It's done." he says. I go to say something but he says "The less you know the better." I nod. I move over to him and hug him and kiss his cheek and say "Thank you." He nods and says "You know I'd do anything for you." Juice looks at Happy and he says "Man I know I said this before but I want you to know how much I appreciate you looking after my wife while I was gone." Juice says. "Man, listen. I love Cheri. She's my best friend but she's taken care of me as much as I have her." Happy says.

We sit around and talk for awhile. I listen to Happy and Juice talk and I just listen. "You okay?" Happy asks. "Yeah. Like I said, my emotions are all over the place." I tell him. "Talk to us." Juice says. I look at Juice and say "When I was told you were dead, I gave up. Then I saw those two pink lines and as miserable as I was, I had a part of you with me. Happy was with me when I went to the doctor. We had decided that when the baby was born, your name was going on the birth certificate but he would help me raise the baby. The baby would know who you were but Happy would be there as a father figure. But then I lost the baby and Happy never left my side because he thought I was going to kill myself and he was right. I wanted to die. Now that you're back, it's like all the emotions that I felt, happiness about the baby, losing you and the baby, all of it is back in full force. It's like my heart and my mine are on overload and I can't stop it." I tell them. "It's going to take time but it will all even out." Happy tells me. "I know but when I saw Potter that day and he was telling me would take Juice and my dad from me, it took everything in me not to snap and attack him." I tell them. "Be glad you didn't attack him. We'd still be trying to get you out of jail." Happy says. "Would have been worth it." I say and they both laugh at me. "Babe, he was bigger than you." Juice tells me. "Your point?" Happy and I say at the same time and we laugh. "Baby, Happy's my best friend and you've seen my dad. I was raised in the club. I promise you that I could handle him in a fight." I tell him. He pulls me close and kisses my temple. "Well we don't have to worry about that now." he says. "Happy, you know I wouldn't have asked you to do this if it weren't something I couldn't handle. I would have died this time if I would have lost him again." I tell him. "I know little girl." he says.

We all head to bed and I lay in the bed with my head on Juice's chest. "Talk to me baby." he says. I look up at him and say "I just missed you so much. Juice you have no clue how much I love you." I tell him. "Baby, I was gone for four years and you stayed faithful and devoted to me. You still kept your wedding rings on and still mourned me. I promise, I know how much you love me. When I was gone, there were times I tried to talk Marcus into letting me come home but he said it still wasn't safe. Baby, you are everything to me." he says. I kiss him and say "Show me." He crashes his lips with mine and we make love all night long before falling asleep together.

Waking up the next morning, I cook breakfast for all of us and we say our goodbyes and head out separate ways.

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