Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Waking up the next morning, I have my back to Juice and his arms are around me with his hand on my stomach. I move my hand over his on my stomach and feel him lace his fingers with mine. He kisses my shoulder and says "Morning Mama." I smile and say "Morning Papi." I turn to face him and pull him closer. Kissing him softly, I whisper "Te amo mi amor." He smiles against my lips "Te amo mi dulce." he whispers back. I look into his eyes and see so much love looking back at me. Love I never thought that I would ever see again. I caress his face and he says "Don't go there." I nod knowing that he knows what I was thinking. "You know I gotta get up for work." he says. "Me too. Told Papi I would work the office with Chucky today." I told him. You know you don't have to work right? Now that I'm home?" he asks. "I know. I figure the money I make can be put up for emergencies, vacations, things like that. You know, since you'll be able to take vacations now." I tell him and he smiles. "Sounds like a plan baby." We get out of bed and ready for our day.

Walking into the office at the scrapyard and Chucky walks in with a plastic bowl with a lid and places it in front of me. "Fresh fruit. Thought it'd be something you could eat that won't upset the little one." he tells me. "You are awesome Chucky. Thank you." I say. "I accept that." he says and I kiss his cheek. Juice clocks in and sees me eating fruit. "You actually getting her to eat healthy?" Juice asks and Chucky says "For the baby." I look at him and wink and he smiles back at me. "At least someone can get you to." he says. "I was thinking about making empanadas tonight." He kisses me softly and says "That sounds good. You want to call Hap and invite him?" he asks. "Yeah. I'll call him right now." He kisses me one more time before heading out to the yard to work. I pick up my phone and he answers on the second ring. "You okay little girl?" he asks as he answers. "I'm fine Giant. Just wanted to see if you wanted to come to dinner tonight at our house. Making empanadas." I tell him. "I'll be there. Want to talk to your old man anyway." he says. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah. Nothing bad. Just want his opinion on something." he tells me and I say "Okay, see you about seven?" I ask. "I'll be there. Love you little girl." he says. "Love you Giant." I say before ending the call.

That evening, we are sitting at the house and eating with Happy when he says "I wanted to talk to you about something. Get your input." Juice looks at him and I go to stand. "No, you can hear this too." Happy says. "You know I love SAMCRO but shit here lately ain't going the way we wanted it to." he says. "What do you mean?" Juice asks. "You know we got into legit shit right?" Happy asks and Juice nods. "Well, here lately, there've been some votes. On illegal shit and it's not what we all agreed for the direction of the club to go. Votes have been going to stay legit but it's causing a riff in the club. It's like all that shit when Clay and Jax were running things is starting all over again." he says. "So what are you thinking?" I ask. "Transfer to SAMDINO. Thought about talking to Packer about it." he tells me. "You'd be closer." I say. "Yeah. That's part of the reason. Tig's thinking of transferring too. We don't want shit going the way it did with Clay and Jax. Shit almost killed us. Almost killed you. I don't want that shit." he says. "Have you called Packer?" I ask. "Yeah. Talked to him about it and we are taking it to SAMCRO in the morning for vote to transfer and then heading to SAMDINO for the vote to transfer in." he says. "Wow." I say. Juice speaks up and asks "It'd be nice to have you and Tig around. Kid's gonna need all the family around that we can get." he tells Happy. "Thanks brother. Now just to tell the club. They're not gonna be happy about it." he says. "Since when have you cared what anyone thought?" I ask. "Well, yeah." he says. We go on talking about him transferring and us and the baby before he heads back to Charming and we head to bed and I still hold him as close as possible.

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