24 | Too Many Choices

Start from the beginning

    "Y-yes, sir!" He gathered the papers in his arms and scrambled to get up.

    "Leave one for yourself, you crazy." Darron shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose while returning to the podium. "Damn kids."

    The boy passed out the papers at a slow pace, struggling to slip a single piece to every student with shaking hands. Apparently, it was too slow for Darron because the teacher eventually trekked forward and snatched the slips from the boy.

    "All right, you moseying fool. Get back to your seat. I'll finish the rest of this."

    Afraid, the boy nodded and sprinted off to the front.

    "Why couldn't you move like that when passin' these around?" Darron yelled. Sighing, he put a pile of papers in each rows and instructed the students to pass the slips on. "I'll give you a couple 'a minutes to look through."

    Kael got his slip of paper before handing the pile to Rita. He tapped his pen on his chin, thinking about what weapon he'd use. His obvious choice would be a sword.

    He read through the form and his eyes widened. He hadn't known there were so many types of swords. Scimitars, seax blades, rapier swords, machetes. How was he supposed to pick a weapon with so many choices?

    "Whoa," Wynt muttered. "There are a lot of weapons."

    "There's an option to put in your own weapon," Kael said, noticing a blank space next to the word, 'other.'

    "What are you thinking of?" Wynt asked, putting his form down.

    Kael shrugged. "A sword. But there are so many, I don't know what to choose."

    Wynt quirked a brow. "I thought you'd take a whip. Like your brother."

    Kael pursed his lips. "I don't know. I'll have to sleep on this. I've always wanted a sword, but I didn't think there'd be so many. A standard double-edged sword would do for me."

    Rita slapped her hand over her form, making Kael jump. She yawned. "Aah, man. I'm tired."

    "Rita, what are you going to choose?" Kael asked.

    Rita shrugged. "Not really sure, duke. I'm thinkin' a long-ranger."

    "A long-ranged weapon, huh?" Kael studied the other options. Under the long-range, there were bows, crossbows, and a whole new section just for guns.

    "Actually, that's not a bad idea," Kael said. "Maybe I should go with a gun? Oh, I don't know. Too many choices. How are we even supposed to know it's the right one? What if we end up hating our weapon?"

    "That's all right, duke," Rita said. "We only have to write down our choices so they know they can provide enough for us. You don't have to stick with it. Hell, I don't think anyone ever stays with their first choice. We do still have three years after this."

    "I guess you're right." Kael sighed. "This is just too difficult for me. I can imagine myself with any of these."

    "Why don't you try working backwards?" Wynt suggested. "Eliminate the ones you're certain you won't use."

    Kael read the list again, noticing the foreign weapons that he knew he wouldn't have the right vigour to learn. "That's a great idea."

    He crossed off several sections, but the list was still too large. He'd barely scratched the surface of weapons. Still, he was set on getting a sword, so he knew he'd have to look at each type of sword before deciding.

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